FR-S Takes on 2013 GTI and… An ’89 M3?

FR-S Takes on 2013 GTI and… An ’89 M3?

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So what does the FR-S have in common with a GTI and an old M3? If you believe the guys at MotorTrend… quite a lot actually. You see, all three of these cars fall under the category of what they call “drivers cars”. They’re not necessarily fast, but you can bet your ass they’re fun to drive.

Weirdly, the old M3 is probably the closest thing to FR-S this time. Sure, it was built in ’89, but it has about the same amount of power, a similar amount of weight and an equally scrappy personality. The GTI is notably heavier than both. Front-wheel drive ensures that it won’t step out of line when pushed too hard, but, whether or not that’s a benefit in this case is debatable. That said, it makes more power than both of these cars. I can’t argue with the fact that more power is more fun.

See what Motor Trend thinks of this terrific trio below.

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