Natural Rivals: 2013 FR-S and 2013 Miata Go Head2Head

Natural Rivals: 2013 FR-S and 2013 Miata Go Head2Head

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Lets be real. The FR-S has no real competitors in it’s price range besides the Miata. That’s not going change any time soon. While the FR-S has been reviewed to death by now, the Miata is a mostly a known quantity. Where the FR-S is the perfect driver’s car for newbies, the Miata is “the fun car.”  That’s the stereotype that these two have been given by auto writers and reviews so far. That said, I don’t really mind watching MT take these two to task through the California hillsides.

Neither car is going to break records or shock people with their performance: that’s a known quantity. Instead, they use the decidedly unscientific criteria of “fun” to chose which one is the best. I know which I’d prefer (hint: It starts with an F and ends with an R-S). See what MT thinks below.

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