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Old 11-27-2007, 04:07 PM
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Go with the 360. Game lineup is better, and thats what a video game console is for, right?

Only thing i'm concerned about with the 360 is the dvd's, they had problems fitting assassins creed on one dvd, thats why there is no sub titles.. but of course, it plays flawlessly on the 360 where on the ps3 it's a piece of crap..
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Old 11-27-2007, 08:31 PM
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so far I like the 360 better
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Old 12-12-2007, 08:14 PM
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i had debate in my head when i was deciding which console to purchase. but ended up with the ps3. a major deciding factor was the exclusives. I know a lot of the newer, better games are multi-platform, but i enjoy the ps' exclusives over the 360s. Such as Devil May Cry, Gran Turismo and Tekken. I also don't like the 360 controllers. They just don't feel right in my hands. Maybe i have girl hands.
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Old 12-12-2007, 09:12 PM
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^^Devil May Cry 4 is for the 360 also.
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:16 PM
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I have both, a ps3 80gb and a 360 elite, love both units and they both have there ups and downs. Xbox is more... kb toy store kinda feel being very use friendly, ps3 is more of a carcore hardware item. I play both pretty equal, right now rocking Unreal tournament on PS3, totally insane!!! They cannot even release it on 360 yet as they cannot fit it on 2 disks for 360 *LOL* Unreal Makes me laugh at Halo. Stellar game. Do have to give the nod to the 360 on games right now... And love command and conquer on the 360.

I do hate paying for every little thing on the 360 were online and all is free for the ps3

All in all PC still owns both hardcore
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:19 PM
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It's pointless debate to have either of them without having a
proper HDTV. Wait til' you can afford to get a TV and a system all together.
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:33 PM
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imo ps3 > xbox 360

i like bluray more then HD and i like the way the games look on ps3 better, imo its a more sophisticated machine...
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:42 PM
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there arent that many system exclusive games that are coming out nowadays because companies can make more money releasing the game on multiple systems. Look at the capcom, games such as devil may cry and resident evil 5.

also if the game is a big hit on one system it is sure to be ported over to the other system down the road.

the only games i really want ps3 for is metal gear, tekken 5, gran tursimo, and final fantasy other than that i have no interest in the system.
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Old 12-13-2007, 03:44 PM
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I agree on the blue ray deal. Why start out with 1/2 the capacity? Just stupid. I own a ton of blue ray disks, love them!

As for games looking better... well that is a washup between games. I have gotten to compare quite a few games side by side and some look much better on the ps3 and some look much better on the 360.
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Old 12-13-2007, 06:02 PM
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I don't have a problem with the PS3. The only thing I didn't like is when sony showed that kill zone 2 trailer back in 2005 and said that was real time graphic/gameplay now in 2007 they admit to their mistake. Saying "that was not the real time graphic/gameplay, it was just a CGR trailer movie". I don't like someone or a company lying to me beside that I don't have a problem with the PS3 they need more games and a better online system. I have both systems and I play the 360 more. I'm not a fanboy for any system. right now the 360 have more stuff for me the play and it's giving me what I want. also for the rumor for Unreal tournament cannot fit on a disc for the 360 has not been confirmed. Game reviewers said if most games the PS3 and 360 games look the same. Gamers will not notice anything. on they compare the graphics of the 360 vs PS3 twice. They said the 360 had better graphics in most of the games that was compared. if you want the link I could post it up or you could look it up. Has for Blu-ray and HD movies. I don't care about them. One reason I don't care about them is because I want to add the F-ing deleted screens while I'm watching the movie to see how it will play out if the would of keep it in the ordinary movie. I did notice in some more like 300 and transformers they dont have special features on the old DVD format disc. The makers are trying to make us buy blu-ray and HD-dvd movies to see the F-ing special features. I don't like what they are doing. lol

Games on both systems looked great, but the Xbox 360 games had more polish. We found that the Xbox 360 edged out the PlayStation 3 with higher-resolution textures and better lighting.
In my book I'm putting the 360 ahead of the PS3.
Mass effect Look great on 1080p

P.S. Nothing is going to beat PC gaming.
Crysis anyone?
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Old 12-14-2007, 12:14 AM
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You can read the info straight from Epic

Speaking at this year’s Edinburgh Interactive Festival, VP of Epic Games Mark Rein indicated that Unreal Tournament III for the Xbox 360 might have to get cut down in order to cope with the limitations of the console's hardware. Answering a question from the crowd about whether disc size would be a problem with an Xbox 360 port, he stated that “We’ll compress some things. But you know, we may have fewer maps on the 360 version...Blu-Ray has definitely given us a lot of legroom. And what's really cool is if you think forward and think about what we've done in the past with UT. We had UT 2003 and then we had UT 2004, which was everything in UT 2003 plus a whole bunch of great mod stuff that we went out and purchased from mod makers.”

"If you think down the road, well maybe the next UT beyond this one, on Blu-Ray disc, we might fill the whole damn disc with all the cool stuff the mod makers make."

If the DVD format is already showing its age, it's bad news for Microsoft. Sony's decision to include Blu-Ray has had its detractors, but if multiplatform titles are going to be bigger and better on the PS3, then Sony’s going to be able to start justifying the cost of its more expensive hardware. This will doubly be the case if it's a big franchise like Unreal Tournament from Epic. It's especially worrying given that these are still fairly early days in this console cycle. If it's a problem over the next year, what's it going to be like four or five years down the line?

Also some more comments here.... Speaks volumes as unreal is already out as of the 10th for the ps3 I am loving it! And it never was a "rumor" it has been a fact for a long time.

Epic’s Mark Rein discussed the 360’s limited disc capacity in regards to Unreal Tournament III at the Edinburgh Interactive Festival: ”We’ll compress some things. But you know, we may have fewer maps on the 360 version… Blu-Ray has definitely given us a lot of legroom.”

Computer and Video Games suggests Epic should provide two DVDs for UTIII on the Xbox 360, one for the multiplayer experience and one for the single-player game.

This comes after Bizarre Creations, the creators of Project Gotham Racing 4, announced the 360’s DVD storage limits will lead to cut backs on the 360 version of the game.

Epic seems to love the data capacity of Blu-ray disc. “If you think down the road, well maybe the next UT beyond this one, on Blu-Ray disc, we might fill the whole damn disc with all the cool stuff the mod makers make.”

Many have criticized Sony for incorporating too much technology into the Playstation 3, but we may soon start the see the advantages of playing on the PS3 as opposed to the Xbox 360.
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Old 12-14-2007, 12:16 AM
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As for some reviews that liked the 360 games more and said they looked better, if you read in depth, those specific games reviewd had LARGE microsoft backing.

Both the ps3 and 360's abilities video wise are close to identicle with the ps3 having a slight edge overall hardware wise. Comes down to what the programmers allow and who throws the most coin at the game developers.
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Old 12-14-2007, 02:51 AM
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You can think what you want. You might be right about Unreal Tournament but I have to look into it some more You know I have to find more sources. lol Anyway I really don't have time to debate about video consoles. they compared 7 games. 360 vs PS3. the 360 had 5 games that look better then the PS3 verison. the PS3 have two games that look better then the 360 version. Like I said before 360 and PS3 games look the same. Gamers will not notice anything different. I also said I'm not a fan boy of anything but as in right now the 360 is in the lead in my book. No matter what you said you can change my mind. When it comes to video games I live for them in the present and not the future. there are other things in life to forward into the future and video games is not one of them meaning I will not get my hopes up for a consle or a new game that is coming out, I don't fall for video game companies when saying this and that is going to happen/coming out in the future because most of the times the video game companies fall short of their promises They use those empty promises sucker people into buying their half a$$ products. Anyway I like I said before I only deal with the present when it comes to video games and as in right now the 360 is in the lead in my book. Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Why would you want to play Unreal Tournament on a consoles anyway? The PC version will always better. LOL What I said about the DVD format I think it;s funny how the cut out the special features in some DVDs so you can buy the HD or blu-ray movies if you want to see the special features. lol

I have some links you can look at also. In the links you can see the image comparison shots. Move the Mouse over the default Xbox 360 image to see the PlayStation 3 comparison shot in the links below..

Def Jam Icon

Def Jam Icon has richly detailed maps that include several dynamic elements that move with the music. It was difficult to capture matching images with clouds rolling overhead, objects bumping onscreen, and rappers beating the crap out of each other, but we came close. Both games look fantastic. The only real difference we noticed was the Xbox 360's antialiasing. Compare the Xbox 360's clean cable lines to the jagged lines on the PS3. The porch railing in the second map also has better antialiasing on the 360

NBA Street Homecourt

It was difficult to spot graphics differences between the Xbox 360 and the PS3 in NBA Street Homecourt until we examined the character models in the cropped comparison images. Both games looked almost the same when we compared them on two HDTVs sitting side-by-side, but the PS3's player models appeared slightly grainier than the Xbox 360's when we took a close look at the screenshots. There's a big difference between sitting six feet from an HDTV and sitting a foot away from a computer monitor flipping back and forth between JPEGs.

Virtua Tennis 3

The stadium objects in the PS3 image visually pop on the rollover. We can't tell which lighting style is more accurate, but it's a noticeable difference between the two games. One judgment we can make is that the Xbox 360 version has sharper textures. You can see it in the netting and in the Dunlop logo on the box to the right of the net in the third image set. The Xbox 360 players also seem to cast softer shadows on the court, while the PlayStation 3 has hard shadows.

Spider-Man 3

If there's one game that we expected would look better on the PS3, it was Spider-Man 3, but developer Treyarch didn't do Sony any special favors in the PS3 game based on the Sony Pictures movie. (Well, unless you're really into big trees.) Spider-Man's costume is much cleaner on the 360 compared to his PS3 outfit. However, the PS3 suit's softer lines do make Spidey's movements smoother. Several building details are missing on the PS3 in the first image set and in the ground view of the city. We're not sure what's happening with the traffic lines and crosswalk pattern on the PS3, but it could be a filtering issue similar to what we saw on the 360 in Armored Core 4.

Major League Baseball 2K7

The system graphics are remarkably close in MLB 2K7, but GameSpot editor Aaron Thomas wanted us to mention that MLB 2K7's "frame rate on the PS3 was terrible compared to the 360." Looking beyond frame rate issues, we really had to nitpick to come up with graphical differences, such as the sharper grass textures and more detailed dirt around home plate in the 360 version. The outfield "405" distance marker is also sharper on the Xbox 360. Shirt logos on the fans, though blurry on both systems, are slightly more detailed on the 360.


Armored Core 4

Armored Core 4 has a lot of wide-open maps for mech combat. The buildings don't have much detail, and there isn't a lot of clutter in the streets and other outdoor environments. That means there's less to distract you while you're busy looking out for enemy mechs. The game looks similar on both systems, but we did notice that the PS3 has sharper road textures in the first shot. You can see the traffic lines all the way up the street in the PS3 shot, but those same lines melt away on the Xbox 360. The PS3 had its own share of blurriness with the buildings in the background, but you could argue that it's a simulated camera trick designed to focus attention on the foreground.


Bethesda delayed Oblivion for the PS3 from Q4 2006 to March 2007, but it looks like the developers made good use of that extra time to improve graphics for the PS3. The PS3's textures have more detail and stay sharp farther into the distance. We actually preferred how the 360's low-res ground outside the stables looked compared to the PS3's sharper yet bland-looking ground, but it could just be an artwork issue since the PS3 has better looking stonework in our city shot where both systems share similar base textures. Character models definitely look better on the PS3. The armor on the standing guard shows more intricate detailing on the PS3. Bethesda has indicated that it plans on upgrading the 360 version's graphics up to PS3 levels, but last week's 360 patch didn't seem to include any of the PS3's graphical improvements.
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Old 12-14-2007, 02:56 AM
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I have seen those are you are arguing for no reason *LOL* I simply corrected you when you said that it was only a rumor that unreal would not fit on a disk for the 360 *LOL*

And I said in a post up top, pc gaming will always rule hahaha, I have had some of the fastest overclocked pc's on the planet a few years back when I stopped and was #1 on for quite awhile "in my day" so yeah I am more of a pc guy, but unreal is actually pretty darn good on the ps3, suprised me! Bot the 360 and ps3 are just toys and nothing more, but fun toys at that.
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