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Old 11-16-2005, 03:46 AM
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I'm not out to prove anything directly... I even agree with LDS members that I cannot change someones beliefs... only God can... as in Corinthians...

But , I will say that there is not "Judgement" being cast on anyone.... Using the Bible to refute a perspective that you believe twists its contextual meaning is not judgement... This is another example of a Biblical Verse WAY out of context as well...

Even people who know very little about the Bible are usually familiar with Jesus' saying "Judge not, that ye be not judged" (Matthew 7:1, KJV). This command is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount; it is Jesus' most popular saying because our culture values tolerance so highly.

But it is usually ripped out of context and misinterpreted.

Matthew 7:1-5 includes Jesus' warning about trying to take a speck out of a neighbor's eye while ignoring the log in your own eye. In verse five, Jesus makes clear the audience he is addressing: "You hypocrite!" When Jesus says "Do not judge," he is warning people against heaping criticism and condemnation on others without being willing to examine one's own behavior. Clearly the context is one in which some religious leaders were harshly condemning other people while attempting to justify their own sinfulness.

Furthermore, many people are unaware of balancing texts about judging in the rest of the New Testament. These include Jesus' command "Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment" (John 7:24, NRSV), and Paul's rhetorical question "Is it not those who are inside [the church] that you are to judge?" (1 Cor. 5:12). Clearly not all judging is forbidden. If that were the case, the church could have no boundaries; the body of Christ would not be a body but a gaseous vapor!

Paul urged the Corinthian church to exclude the man who was living with his father's wife; he ordered them not to associate with people who claim to be Christians but live blatantly sinful lives without repentance (1 Cor. 5). Did Paul simply forget Jesus' command not to judge? Was he unaware of it? That's doubtful. Rather, we should suppose that Jesus meant only to condemn hypocritical judging. When the church must discipline a member, it should always do so in full recognition of everyone's lack of perfection and need of the Savior.

Some churches and Christian organizations avoid church discipline because it is a form of judging, and judging is wrongly equated with intolerance. Judging is then (ironically) judged incompatible with the spirit of Jesus' teaching. Church discipline is surely the more biblical approach, even as it is fraught with danger.

The New Testament condemns every spirit that says Jesus Christ has not come in the flesh (1 John 4). Today the problem is more likely to arise around denials of Christ's deity. And yet Christ's deity is a nonnegotiable of Christian faith that is crucial to the gospel. Christians should not tolerate denials of such central truths within the church, and must discipline with love those who knowingly reject the truth of the Incarnation.

Similarly, the New Testament condemns immorality, including homosexual behavior (Rom. 1:26-27). Churches that condone such behavior among believers are abdicating their responsibility to shepherd God's flock.

Church discipline inexorably involves making judgments and even judging people's behaviors, but it can be done in a nonjudgmental and humble manner. One church I know stripped a man of membership, without shaming or humiliating him, because he refused to cease an adulterous relationship or repent of it. He was encouraged to continue attending worship services, and his involvement in the church eventually contributed to his repentance and restoration to full fellowship. The church acknowledged that everyone sins, but recognized the importance of a repentant spirit. Without such humble discipline, there is no real discipleship.

Finally, even though the context of Matthew 7 may not require it, one is justified in thinking that Jesus does not want us to take God's place in determining individual persons' ultimate spiritual fate. This would be another example of inappropriate judging. Which specific individuals of our acquaintance will end up in heaven and which will end up in hell is not for us to determine. That judgment belongs to God alone.


In regards to analysing the bible based on translation, I would adopt the same translation that the LDS church uses as it's primary source of Biblical Scripture... the King James Version... and the resulting Greek origin that it was translated from...

I understand the fallability of Men's translation of text, but that is why context is so insanely important... you cannot rest on one verses ability to determine absolute doctrine....


Hey, I'm just as critical about all this stuff too... and challenge even things that I "Should" agree with... if not, I'd be blindly following an ideology, rather than believing something based on its true merits..... I understand every one of your perspectives, cause I think them as well... I have tons of questions too.... about many different worldviews, especially about evangelical christianity....
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Old 11-16-2005, 04:17 AM
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Would all of you whos intent is to stir up trouble with us mormons please stop posting, no point in doing so. Whats the point? Self Gratitude? I think not, your simply making a fool of your self. Just respect everyones beliefs, gees.
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Old 11-16-2005, 04:28 AM
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i vote wedrivescions a "prophet"....who is with me? or obz, i'm cool with that one too.

how 'bout "saints"? saints or prophets is cool. maybe even, dare i say....gods? there certainly were way more than three miracles involved in youze guys having any consciousness at all.

btw, the truth doesn't mean anything it just is. if you keep saying it, the way it really is, eventually your word is law in the universe. man keeps looking for a truth that fits his reality, given our reality the truth doesn't fit.

it you experience it, it's the truth, the same thing believed is a lie. in life, understanding is the booby prize. obviously the truth is what's so, not so obviously it's also so what. this is it. there are no hidden meanings. all that mystical stuff is just what's so. a master is someone who found out.

if god told you exactly what it was you were to do you would be happy doing it no matter what it was. what you are doing is what god wants you to happy. if you could really accept that you weren't okay you could stop proving you were okay. if you could stop proving that you were okay, you'd get that it's okay not to be okay. if you could get that it's okay not to be okay you'd get that you were okay the way you are. you're okay. get it?

perfection is a state in which things are the way they are and are not the way they are not. as you can see the universe is perfect. don't lie about it. you are god in your universe. you caused it. you pretended not to cause it so you could play in it, and you can remember you caused it anytime you want to.

one creates from nothing. if you try to create from something you're just changing something. so in order to create something, you first have to be able to create nothing. to make sure a person doesn't find out who he is, convince him that he really can't make anything disappear. all that's left then is to resist, solve, fix, help, change or believe in things. that's trying to make something out of something.

the essence of communication is intention. when you've said all of the bad things and all of the good things you haven't been saying, you will find what you've really been withholding is "i love you". you don't have to go looking for love when it's where you come from.

that there was a crash course. don't fear your god. don't fear what's not. don't ask me to help. it's all on you. it's all you.

btw, nothing in this post is meant to disparage any "belief" held by any "individual" or any collection of individuals who choose not to look at themselves but to others' truths. also, i was kidding about wedrivescions and obz being prophets, saints or gods. that will take quite some time apparently.

this whole post was just kidding; i'm way too reluctant to stick my neck out.
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Old 11-16-2005, 05:00 AM
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Would all of you whos intent is to stir up trouble with us mormons please stop posting, no point in doing so. Whats the point? Self Gratitude? I think not, your simply making a fool of your self. Just respect everyones beliefs, gees.
Personally I'm not trying to start granted I was a little bit of a wise ___, but I wasn't being a total dick. What was your intent of starting this? You certainly had to have some inking that a discussion on a benign topic like religion might bring out some doubters. To paraphrase wedrivescions (I vote for him as prophet also), sometimes it's good to listen to what other people have to say. It's ok to defend your self....I mean you started it, tell us doubters why we're wrong. All I've gotten out of this is that Mormon doctrine can change at any time to suit the needs of the leadership.

I have more respect in someone's beliefs when they will fight for them. That's why I respect the missionaries.....they care enough and are committed enough to spread the word.

no beef.....just rambling on here.
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Old 11-16-2005, 05:31 AM
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"Everybody likes to argue theology. It's a good safe subject. You don't need any facts or distracting things like that." [Mary Hawking]
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Old 11-16-2005, 06:06 AM
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Originally Posted by George
"Everybody likes to argue theology. It's a good safe subject. You don't need any facts or distracting things like that." [Mary Hawking]
"you gotta love scientists. they agree on the truth until someone with "new facts" says nope, lookie here, your bad; i'm got the proof right here."-[Zeitgheist guy].

odd how "proof" changes.

"i only speak the proof"- some British guy with bad lingual upbringing.
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Old 11-16-2005, 10:16 AM
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If you were to sum up in one paragraph what do mormos beleive what would you say?

If someone was to want to become mormon what would they have to do?
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Old 11-16-2005, 10:22 AM
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The problem with mormonism is that they tend to ignore certain parts of the original 66 books of the bible in favor for a few choice verses to explain their actions. Modern day Christians are taught to study the original text of the written word, greek and aramaic. many biblical scholars are required to learn this in order to understand the true intentions of the verses. are mormons taught to examine orginal text? i doubt it, because it would only bring light to thier perverted religion and practices. It's not about who's interpretation is right, it's about God's story, and that all this, His living Word, his history, our history, everything until Jesus returns and establishes his Kingdom here, is for HIS glory and HIS alone. Every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Christ Jesus is Lord.

WeDriveScions is right, i agree with him.

OBZ, here's your problem. Just because you cannot refute God's truth doesn't mean there's a problem with everything WeDriveScions had said. It has nothing to do with "his view," and everything to do with only echoing what is actually in the bible. I can only say that you said that there's a problem with what he said simply because you fail to have an open mind to the fact that possibly the religion that was force fed to you since you were a baby could be wrong, so any light brought upon that possiblity strikes you as a problem. It's your choice to surrender to God in the way that only God would require you to.

alright good luck with all your mods everyone. and jesus loves you, ya morons.
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Old 11-16-2005, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by wibblywobbly
...Joseph Smith was a polygamist and had sex with teenage girls. Brigham Young wanted to secede from the United States and ordered the slaughter of more than 140 people so he could steal gold from their wagon train.

The only reason the LDS church renounced polygamy was that in return, Utah was allowed to become a state.....and the government called sending in troops. There are still plenty of Mormon polygamists out there, whole cities in fact (Arizona City, Arizona etc.)

So I guess none of you believe in celestial marriage then? What about blood atonement?

And what does the LDS church spend all hundreds of millions of dollars they have coming in from all the businesses they own...soda bottling/distributing, hotels even the main newspaper in SLC is owned in part by the LDS Church.....I know they have to support the missionaries and BYU and pay for the local church basketball league....but they have a TON of money coming in........where is it all going to?
well, if no one else is going to tackle this one, I will :D
k, Brigham Young did not order anyone to kill anyone, nor to steal their gold. There was a slaugther, but no one knows wether it was the indians, or the Mormons who did it.
Christains murdered indians, and other people not of their belief, yet we are so ready to forget that. You also forget that if anyone was murdered, it WAS the mormons, are we forgeting Haun's mill: "On October 27, 1838 Governor Boggs of Missouri issued an "Extermination Order" to treat all Mormons as enemies and exterminate them or force them out of Missouri. Three days later the Missouri militia carrying out their orders massacred 17 Mormons at Haun's Mill. This little known tid bit of United States history is horrifying...Governor Boggs Extermination Order says; “ The Mormons must be treated as enemies and must be exterminated or driven from the state if necessary for the public peace.” With this Order the Missouri Militia let loose it’s blood thirsty persecutors on October 30, 1838 in a small Mormon settlement at Jacob Haun’s Mill in Caldwell County, Missouri. The Militia consisted of 200 men while only 30 families resided at Haun’s Mill. The residents were unaware of the extermination order and believed they were living under a truce that had been reached several days earlier with the Missouri Government and the Mormons. They were totally shocked and unprepared for the brutal attack."

OH, and then there is Joseph Smiths murder...
here is a lithograph, from the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS

The reason that Mormons stoped poligamy is becase they belive, as stated by their articles of faith: "We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law"

They still belive in Celestial marraige, but as for blood atonement, they belive that he suffered for their sins to make it easier to get to heaven, not so they could live their life however the hell they wanted, Why would he suffer for ALL sins, we have to realize what we did was wrong, why would he give us the answer to the test? we dont learn anything that way.

As for were all the money goes:



Temples (131):

The Tabernacle:

The Conference Center:

Humanitairian efforts reaching 147 countries and valued at tens of millions of dollars annually.
And many more.

ONCE AGAIN, MORMONS ARE NOT POLIGAMISTS, THERFORE, POLIGAMISTS ARE NOT MORMONS! they may say they are, but if they refuse to listen to the prophet, they are not a true mormon.

Okay, and some other frequently asked questions, NO, they dont kill babies in the temple.
NO, they do not have sex in the temple when they get married
NO, you dont have to get cercumsized (sp?)
NO, there is no Mormon Mafia
NO, they are not racist, nor do they belive in bigatry (not speaking for ALL the mormons, just what they belive)

:D Much love,

oh, and PS joseph smith did not rape teenage girls you pshyco
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Old 11-16-2005, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Poison
Would all of you whos intent is to stir up trouble with us mormons please stop posting, no point in doing so. Whats the point? Self Gratitude? I think not, your simply making a fool of your self. Just respect everyones beliefs, gees.
Poison, you started this thread! What do you think you would get just Mormons posting! Please, you need to grow up and let people say what they need to say. I was married to a Mormon for a little of over 4 years and to show you respect I will not give you my opinion on them, so on with the posting!

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Old 11-16-2005, 01:17 PM
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Finally. Thank you SirScion.
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Old 11-16-2005, 01:25 PM
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no problem, hey, did I get the number of temples correct? that is just what I found
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Old 11-16-2005, 01:58 PM
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You are correct sir. 122 dedicated with 9 in development.,00.html

Here's mine, #16 - The D.C. Temple
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Old 11-16-2005, 02:07 PM
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this one is my favorite, the sandiego

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Old 11-16-2005, 02:41 PM
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Originally Posted by jallamas
Originally Posted by Poison
Would all of you whos intent is to stir up trouble with us mormons please stop posting, no point in doing so. Whats the point? Self Gratitude? I think not, your simply making a fool of your self. Just respect everyones beliefs, gees.
Poison, you started this thread! What do you think you would get just Mormons posting! Please, you need to grow up and let people say what they need to say. I was married to a Mormon for a little of over 4 years and to show you respect I will not give you my opinion on them, so on with the posting!

I need to grow up? You should really think about that again...
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Old 11-16-2005, 03:21 PM
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Brigham Young did not order anyone to kill anyone, nor to steal their gold. There was a slaughter, but no one knows whether it was the Indians, or the Mormons who did it.
Christians murdered Indians, and other people not of their belief, yet we are so ready to forget that. You also forget that if anyone was murdered, it WAS the Mormons, are we forgetting Haun's mill: "On October 27, 1838 Governor Boggs of Missouri issued an "Extermination Order" to treat all Mormons as enemies and exterminate them or force them out of Missouri. Three days later the Missouri militia carrying out their orders massacred 17 Mormons at Haun's Mill. This little known tid bit of United States history is horrifying...Governor Boggs Extermination Order says; “ The Mormons must be treated as enemies and must be exterminated or driven from the state if necessary for the public peace.” With this Order the Missouri Militia let loose it’s blood thirsty persecutors on October 30, 1838 in a small Mormon settlement at Jacob Haun’s Mill in Caldwell County, Missouri. The Militia consisted of 200 men while only 30 families resided at Haun’s Mill. The residents were unaware of the extermination order and believed they were living under a truce that had been reached several days earlier with the Missouri Government and the Mormons. They were totally shocked and unprepared for the brutal attack."
It has been proven that it was Mormon's that did it. The Ute Indians made a convenient scapegoat. Supposedly some of the Mormon's even dressed up as Indians. There is a pretty good book "American Massacre" written by a Mormon that lays in great detail how it was Mormons. If anything this was worse than Christians killing for a "cause" (which is despicable as well) because it was done purely so they could steal from the wagon train.

Two wrongs don't make a right, and I'm not saying it was right for Boggs to give the "extermination order" by any means, but you leave out the fact that the Mormon's were in open revolt at the time. Not saying it makes it right....but it wasn't like someone woke up one day and decided to kill them all.

I think we can agree that all religions have their dark chapters....look at the half assed apology the Pope gave for turning a blind eye to the holocaust, this one just seems especially cold blooded to me.

And (well not yet anyway) nobdy in Georgia or Alabama (or any other bible belt state) has tried to break away to form a "Christian States of America".
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Old 11-16-2005, 03:42 PM
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okay, I could not find were it said that they did it beyond a doubt.

Mormons were not in Open revolt. You say that this is worse than the hlocaust? You are a sick b@st@rd, if that is what you are saying. the Mormons were NOT expecting anything. I got that quote from a history site, not a mormon site.

lets compaire....

African-Americans during slavery were in open revolt, they were not allowed to have their freedom, just as mormons were not alowed to worship they wanted to. Both fought for what was right, both had MANY slaughtered (more Slaves than Mormons) Mormons simply wanted to worship the way they felt comfortable, but the majority of people would not let them.

How is that worse than christians killing for a 'cause?' they were not killing for a cause, they were killing for the same reason that hitler was killing the jews. And yet again, it appears that you think that the holocaust was 'not that bad'

again, howcome when a mormon commits a crime, the headlines read "a MORMON rapes his daughter." or " a MORMON BISHOP kills a family in a carcrash." but if it is a christian, all it says is " am man rapes his daughter." or " a man kills family in car crash." like I said before, they are NOT true mormons if they do that, they were NEVER told by the prophet to do that. Oh, and just because the guy that wrote the book is a 'mormon' does not mean anything, he could have easily gotten baptised,and called himself a mormon. You say how it lays in greatdetail how it was the mormons, well, ANYONE CAN RIGHT IN GREAT DETAIL! There are THOUSANDS of books out there that are fiction that are written in 'great detail'

oh, were did you get this christian states of america crap from?
if mormons ever wanted to secide they would call their contry ZION.

were do you get that the mormons were in open revolt? please give me the link.

I am very interested in were you got these cockamamy facts.
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Old 11-16-2005, 04:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Poison
Originally Posted by jallamas
Originally Posted by Poison
Would all of you whos intent is to stir up trouble with us mormons please stop posting, no point in doing so. Whats the point? Self Gratitude? I think not, your simply making a fool of your self. Just respect everyones beliefs, gees.
Poison, you started this thread! What do you think you would get just Mormons posting! Please, you need to grow up and let people say what they need to say. I was married to a Mormon for a little of over 4 years and to show you respect I will not give you my opinion on them, so on with the posting!

I need to grow up? You should really think about that again...
Poison, How do I need to grow up? I DID NOT DISRESPECT you or your religion.....Your young, you will learn the truth when you finally grow up!

Have a nice day!

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Old 11-16-2005, 04:19 PM
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I only worship the almighty --->
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Old 11-16-2005, 04:37 PM
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Originally Posted by DarkApathy
The problem with mormonism is that they tend to ignore certain parts of the original 66 books of the bible in favor for a few choice verses to explain their actions. Modern day Christians are taught to study the original text of the written word, greek and aramaic. many biblical scholars are required to learn this in order to understand the true intentions of the verses. are mormons taught to examine orginal text? i doubt it, because it would only bring light to thier perverted religion and practices. It's not about who's interpretation is right, it's about God's story, and that all this, His living Word, his history, our history, everything until Jesus returns and establishes his Kingdom here, is for HIS glory and HIS alone. Every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Christ Jesus is Lord.

WeDriveScions is right, i agree with him.

OBZ, here's your problem. Just because you cannot refute God's truth doesn't mean there's a problem with everything WeDriveScions had said. It has nothing to do with "his view," and everything to do with only echoing what is actually in the bible. I can only say that you said that there's a problem with what he said simply because you fail to have an open mind to the fact that possibly the religion that was force fed to you since you were a baby could be wrong, so any light brought upon that possiblity strikes you as a problem. It's your choice to surrender to God in the way that only God would require you to.

alright good luck with all your mods everyone. and jesus loves you, ya morons.
So your religion's interpretation of the Bible is the only correct one?
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