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Old 03-01-2006, 04:27 PM
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All I can say is BUCK FUSH
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Old 03-01-2006, 08:30 PM
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i cant believe he wants to actally sell our ports to the enemy allll about MONEY...he doesn't care its he's last term what does he care
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Old 03-01-2006, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by SCXB
Stop whining about Bush, you have a job ?and a new car ?
I had a job and new car during the Clinton years as well. What's your point?

Bush's incompetence as our president does not mean we are going to lose all our freedoms overnight. What it means is that current AND future generations will have to deal with a foreign policy that has made the US as unpopular as ever in the world's eyes, we will have to deal with a HUGE deficit (the direct result of a war that has made us even more of a target in the eyes of terrorists), we will have to deal with the very real possibility of a civil war in Iraq that we will be right in the middle of, etc, etc, etc.... but everthing is fine because I have a job and a new car.... thanks Bush.
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Old 03-01-2006, 10:07 PM
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Originally Posted by burkpe
All I have to say to Bush supporters is.. I voted for Kerry.. I think that clarifies my opinion on the monkey.

I voted for Nader....not because he really had a chance to win mind you, but because the Dems and Repubs are the SAME party. The only opinions they differ on are god, guns and drugs.

I think both parties are useless because both parties are bought and sold. I want to see some choice, not the same old thing time after time.

I might be wrong on the percentage, but when a third party gets more than 5% of the total vote, they qualify for federal funding like the R and D's do. Imagine the R and D's instead of sharing $100 million (not sure on the exact dollar amount) between themselves would have to split the money 3 (or more) ways. I feel then there would be the possibility for real change
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Old 03-01-2006, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by TcDepo
i cant believe he wants to actally sell our ports to the enemy allll about MONEY...he doesn't care its he's last term what does he care
21 port complexes in America and between 10 and 15 in Canada.

Call me paranoid but I feel we should be running our own ports. Period.
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Old 03-01-2006, 10:22 PM
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Remember this speech by Bush:

"The United States of America is fighting a war against terrorists of global reach. The enemy is not a single political regime or person or religion or ideology. The enemy is terrorism — premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against innocents.

In many regions, legitimate grievances prevent the emergence of a lasting peace. Such grievances deserve to be, and must be, addressed within a political process. But no cause justifies terror. The United States will make no concessions to terrorist demands and strike no deals with them. We make no distinction between terrorists and those who knowingly harbor or provide aid to them." [Emphasis added.]

If Bush was true to his word, he would not even consider giving control of our ports to a company whose state supports terrorist groups like Hamas.
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Old 03-01-2006, 10:42 PM
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for lint i gave up on pres. bush
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:30 AM
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Just wait until the housing market really tanks and there is no more home equity left for people to cash out.

If you think the economy (and Bush's approval rating) is bad now....
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Old 03-02-2006, 03:56 AM
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Why do you think many REPUBLICANS are not supporting Bush on allowing the port deals to go through? THEY want to be reelected come next election year. Bush got his second term. I'm sure he could care less.
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Old 03-02-2006, 12:44 PM
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It is plain to see that not many of yall studied economics..That is fine..this is not the place to start a remedial class on Money 101.

The Prez. has done many things I don't understand, but I am smart enuff to know that he has advisors out the ying yang and NO president can do a single thing without it being scrutinized....
Yall should remember, that if he is so stupid, how did he get a job none of us could even qualify for?

wibbly, how bad is the economy? Unemployment is at or below the levels of the Clinton administration, were they bad then?
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Old 03-02-2006, 01:01 PM
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The Prez. has done many things I don't understand
--> Obviously
I am smart enuff to know that he has advisors out the ying yang
--> Assigned by him, yes men ...
Yall should remember, that if he is so stupid, how did he get a job none of us could even qualify for?
--> We can, the constitution allows for any man or woman to run for the office, however politics and power push those with connections into that office.

Why is it so hard to understand that this president is heavily involved in the Oil industry, an industry whose main roots are middle eastern due to supply, a cartel. When you make these people angry bad things happen. Somewhere along the line this president tried to take advantage of his power and got the nation bit in the ___, 9/11.
Education does not come from television or solely our public schools system, read, publications outside our country are alot less bias and you'd be surprised what truths haave been omited from both our history and current events.
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Old 03-02-2006, 01:04 PM
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No matter what you think of Bush, every American should be down on their hands and knees giving thanks that little Al Gore wasn't elected!
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Old 03-02-2006, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by trikkonceptz
The Prez. has done many things I don't understand
--> Obviously
I am smart enuff to know that he has advisors out the ying yang
--> Assigned by him, yes men ...
Yall should remember, that if he is so stupid, how did he get a job none of us could even qualify for?
--> We can, the constitution allows for any man or woman to run for the office, however politics and power push those with connections into that office.

Why is it so hard to understand that this president is heavily involved in the Oil industry, an industry whose main roots are middle eastern due to supply, a cartel. When you make these people angry bad things happen. Somewhere along the line this president tried to take advantage of his power and got the nation bit in the butt, 9/11.
Education does not come from television or solely our public schools system, read, publications outside our country are alot less bias and you'd be surprised what truths haave been omited from both our history and current events.
Sooooo, 9/11 was done because George Bush was elected?????????
Even though there are tapes of Bim Laden saying that we were weak because of the way we reacted in Somalia.
I hate to tell you this, but the terrorists wer already training and planning before the election.

I am glad he is involved in the oil industry, he understands how much we need oil.

You are right in the statement that power and wealth create who we get to vote for, but it has been like that for a loooong time, kiddo.
I liked the little smart alec remark that we all can run for the highest office in the land. I think we all knew that little tid bit, what I was trying to put in very simple terms that wouldn't be misconstrued was that none of us could survive the look into our past and have the education and connections to become president. I guess it wasn't simple enuff.
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Old 03-02-2006, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by trikkonceptz
Somewhere along the line this president tried to take advantage of his power and got the nation bit in the butt, 9/11.
You've got to be kidding me. Bush was in office for less than 8 months when 9/11 occured. Do you honestly believe that it was his fault? Those attacks took well over a year to plan, fund, put people into place and carry out. Whether you want to admit it or not, 9/11 was the fault of the Clinton administration.....period.
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Old 03-02-2006, 01:50 PM
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Excellent another war without termination. Like the drug war. Ooh i cant wait to see how many rights gauranteed by the constitution this one strips from us

Yall should remember, that if he is so stupid, how did he get a job none of us could even qualify for?
He has a excellent political strategist, name recognition, Lots of special interest money, and a divide and conquer polarising platform. Stupid people like to vote for stupid people. Its waht you get listening to am radio all the time. Boy is he ever betraying you. Sum it up guns god and gays.

No matter what you think of Bush, every American should be down on their hands and knees giving thanks that little Al Gore wasn't elected!
I remember Bush saying if Gore was elected gas would be 3 dollars a gallon. Any one here pay 3 dollars a gallon in the past year. Oh yeah Cheney said conservation is a personal thing. Oh yeah was this the Al Gore who went to viet Nam like Kerry. Or the bush protecting us against the mexican air force? What did Cheney or Rumseld do during vietnam? Cheney said he had more inportant prioritys (6 deferrals)

I see the common man losing his/her job because of free trade with mexico(initiated by Bush Sr).
Actually mexicans are losing their jobs to the chinese. We allow China to do what they do to us because they actually prop up our economy by buying our debt. You the debt Bush keeps raising? 8 Trillion dollars. 8 trillion divided by 260 million = 29629 a person. That 260 million includes children and senior citizens and the disabled or unemployed. If you counted just the people in the labor force it actually comes out to 53,292 a person.

All the evidence leading up to the iraq war was shot down. Whether it was uranium from niger or weapons capability. It was all discredited.

Ill wind this up in a video and a picture.
Here is powell and rice saying hussein was not a threat just months before 9/11

Check Out this Video

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Old 03-02-2006, 01:58 PM
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Now post the video of all the Democrats voting for the invasion of Iraq. A vote they cast after being shown all of the very same information Bush was shown.
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:07 PM
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Now post the video of all the Democrats voting for the invasion of Iraq. A vote they cast after being shown all of the very same information Bush was shown.
They are just as guilty as Bush. A bunch of spineless self centered worms. They voted for the war (actally use of force) cause

1 Bush said without the vote saddam would think our ultimatems were bluffs
2 Repugnicans painted anyone not backing the president at the time as Unpatriotic
3. They all wanted to get elected again.


Ross Perot 3rd presidential debate on repugnican tactics has anything changedSo that's just another one of those little fruit-loopy things they make up to try to, instead of facing issues, to try to redefine a person that's running against them. This goes on night and day. I will do everything I can, if I get up there, to make dirty tricks a thing of the past. One of the 2 groups has raised it to an art form. It's a sick art form.

Think swift boat veterans or implying Mcain was insane from being a POW or max Maclellan being a coward. Kerry and the swift boat vewterans. See below This is nothing new

Note on coming elections.
Repugnicans will have illegal immigration and ___ marriage as their platform
Bush will argue that is why we need a guest worker program. So mexicans can legally take the jobs americans dont want (defined as lower the wages enoguh so americans dont want any jobs at all)

Democrats--- nothing new
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:12 PM
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OMG .. Guys, oil is why we are in the trouble we are in today as far as a terrorist threat. This stems back to the Bush Sr. restructuring a deal for an oil pipeline that ran through Afghanistan, our FRIENDS, the Saudi's got ____ed and retaliated, thats the simplified version.

Our attack on Iraq IS WRONG. They had nothing to do with this, Saddam is no poster child for how to run a country but its not his fault. Here is a couple FACTS for you.
Once the towers came down and the US air space was shut down, one jet was allowed to fly. A jet carrying the Bin Laden family !! Even though they directly implicated at the time, they were allowed to flee the country.
The Bin Ladens own oil fields here in the US, Texas, home of our presidente.
Next all the pilots in the jets that were crashed were Saudi not Iraqi, the same Saudi's we rely on for oil, the same Saudi's that own close to 30% of the US, the same Saudi's which are going to control security at our ports, do you see a theme developing?

Since reading is believing , pick up Farenheit 911 the book, not the movie. While the movie is excellent, the book gives you the direct references where all the information is sourced, that way you do not dismiss it as a one sided opinion.
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Duker
They are just as guilty as Bush. A bunch of spineless self centered worms. They voted for the war (actally use of force) cause

1 Bush said without the vote saddam would think our ultimatems were bluffs
2 Repugnicans painted anyone not backing the president at the time as Unpatriotic
3. They all wanted to get elected again.
1. Bush was right.
2. So they caved to peer presure. When have they ever cared what the republicans thought?
3. Obviously
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Old 03-02-2006, 02:13 PM
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Originally Posted by oldmanatee
Hey, the last perfect man wasn't welcomed either.
You're not drawing comparisons to Christ, are you? Please tell me that's not what you meant.
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