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The drivers that you hate!

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Old 09-01-2007, 12:56 AM
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sounds like there is a bunch of cry babies here.. im probably the biggest _______ driver.. but i also have the cleanest driving record.. im the _______ that speeds up and passes everyone just so i can be in the front.. ,snaking around people.. which keeps me clear of any idiots.. (and when i get pulled over.. im totally honest with the cops)

drivers that i hate.. the ones that drive normal.. the ones that all stay the same speed and doesnt allow anyone to pass.. which is like 95% of all the drivers out there..
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Old 09-01-2007, 04:24 AM
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Originally Posted by PakanaHerruus
sounds like there is a bunch of cry babies here.. im probably the biggest butthole driver.. but i also have the cleanest driving record.. im the butthole that speeds up and passes everyone just so i can be in the front.. ,snaking around people.. which keeps me clear of any idiots.. (and when i get pulled over.. im totally honest with the cops)

drivers that i hate.. the ones that drive normal.. the ones that all stay the same speed and doesnt allow anyone to pass.. which is like 95% of all the drivers out there..
I don't think you're a butt hole! What you're doing is fine, so long as you are going faster than everyone in front of you, and aren't holding up traffic.
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Old 09-01-2007, 04:58 AM
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Originally Posted by PakanaHerruus
im the butthole that speeds up and passes everyone just so i can be in the front.. ,snaking around people.. which keeps me clear of any idiots
And I thank you for that. There's nothing I love more than people snaking in and out of traffic, putting my three small children, my husband and my life at stake. For you may be able to precisely cut in front of me with only feet to spare but maybe I freak out when you do and I wreck. Maybe the person you snake in front of, a lane or two next to me freaks out and crashes into us?

drivers that i hate.. the ones that drive normal.. the ones that all stay the same speed and doesnt allow anyone to pass.. which is like 95% of all the drivers out there..
Only people in the passing or fast lane, right? You're not expecting people to move out of your way on normal roads or in the right lanes of a freeway, are you? And if so, how would they know you want to pass them? Do you tailgate them?

I drive normal and at a constant speed because I value my life, my children's life and others. I wish that other 5% would do the same.
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Old 09-01-2007, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Jenna
Originally Posted by PakanaHerruus
im the butthole that speeds up and passes everyone just so i can be in the front.. ,snaking around people.. which keeps me clear of any idiots
And I thank you for that. There's nothing I love more than people snaking in and out of traffic, putting my three small children, my husband and my life at stake. For you may be able to precisely cut in front of me with only feet to spare but maybe I freak out when you do and I wreck. Maybe the person you snake in front of, a lane or two next to me freaks out and crashes into us?

drivers that i hate.. the ones that drive normal.. the ones that all stay the same speed and doesnt allow anyone to pass.. which is like 95% of all the drivers out there..
Only people in the passing or fast lane, right? You're not expecting people to move out of your way on normal roads or in the right lanes of a freeway, are you? And if so, how would they know you want to pass them? Do you tailgate them?

I drive normal and at a constant speed because I value my life, my children's life and others. I wish that other 5% would do the same.
I missed those parts when I read his post... I'll have to retract my previous comment. Snaking around the slow lanes is NOT cool. You definitely have to respect cars that drive slower and in the appropriate lanes.
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Old 09-01-2007, 09:31 PM
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nah.. people that go 50-60 in all the lanes.. the speed limit is 65.. just cause your affraid to go faster then that.. then maybe you should stay on surface streets.. majority of the time.. i pull to the front before i even have to snake.. i dont make turns that are feet away from people.. meaning i change lanes at apropiate times.. all the time..

my car isnt fast.. i mean its an XB.. but that doesnt everyone else has to drive slow..
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Old 09-01-2007, 10:08 PM
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I hate the drivers that do not have any respect for the motorcyclist.....example when it rains and they swerve at the puddles to splash you.
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Old 09-01-2007, 10:12 PM
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95% of everybody drives 5-15 miles per hour UNDER the speed limit in California?

Things must be different down there. I can't say I've come across more than a handful of people the last 15 years who drove under the speed limit on the freeway, unless they had a problem with their car. I would think CA would be the same way.
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Old 09-01-2007, 10:17 PM
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Originally Posted by keg79
I hate the drivers that do not have any respect for the motorcyclist.....example when it rains and they swerve at the puddles to splash you.
OT but when I was 14, I took the public transportation bus to school. I'd sit up front and talk to the bus driver and be the only person on the bus for the most part.

The bus driver said "Hey, watch this" and he moved the bus over a few inches while driving down the road, hitting probably the biggest puddle ever, right on to some poor lady walking down the road. She wasn't just wet, she was soaked through and through. Drenched.

I'm such an awful person... I still snicker a bit when I think about it. That poor lady!
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Old 09-01-2007, 10:57 PM
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Whenever you go through a drivethrough, and it's raining, turn your wipers off. If you get bad service, turn them on at the highest speed, right before you leave... If you are a mean person.
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Old 09-01-2007, 11:51 PM
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Oh yes, i'm glad i found this topic. Because of where i live, I have major road rage. Why? Because 80% of people i encounter EVERYTIME i get in my car drives in a manner that will just ____ me off. It's either ignorant, stupid or dangerous the way how these people drive.

I like to travel but don't normally go over 200 miles away. I will say that after i get out of my city, the people i drive around all drive normal so it MUST be my city.

Coming to a stop sign in a subdivision and a car is coming to turn in on the street i am currently stopped at. What do they do? They don't cautiously turn, they turn in a manner that their car partially drives into oncoming traffic before their car completely gets into the right lane. So, whenever I'm at a stop sign, i constantly see people start to turn, then swerve real quick to get in their lane! AHH!

when driving down a subdivision, a vehicle coming in the opposite direction driving down the middle of the freakin road. 2 situations occur- Either they stay driving down the middle and then move at the last moment, or the vehicle that stays in their lane, BUT rides their left tire right down the middle part of the road with their big ___ mirror sticking out which forces you to drive almost in the grass to prevent from getting hit!

Turning into a large intersection with multiple turning lanes.
For instance- an intersection which has 2 turning lanes, 1 lane has only 1 lane and the other turning lane has 2 separate lanes you can merge into. People I HATE - the ones who turn using the single turning lane but MERGE into the other lane which is illegal.

Merging into the lane you are driving because they don't physically look behind them and rely 100% on mirrors only. Stupid drivers. I almost got hit the other day from a F150 doing that.

Just merging onto a highway when an 18 wheeler comes flying past you but not fast enough and FORCES YOU OFF the road because he's doing over 70 in a 55 trying to get off the expressway and don't give a ****.

Just merging onto the highway only going 4 over and their is a car next to you out of 3 lanes to drive in and the faster you go, the faster he goes until you hit 85 in a 55 to pass them. Can't slow down because everyone is tailgating the car who is preventing you from getting onto the highway and yes, they will speed if he does! AHH!!!

Driving 5 over and someone out of nowhere flies past you, merge in your lane, SLAMS THEIR BRAKES just to turn into Home Depot that was 60ft in front of me before i slammed on my brakes!
I swear to you people, i had over 150 pounds of 3\4" all thread rods from 2-6ft in my car at the time. I actually turned into Home Depot to kill the guy because all the things i name here have or CONTINUE to happens to me and someone like that deserved to die, but, good thing i had someone in the car because they talked me out of it. I was fine by the next day.

People who drive on a 3 lane highway in town and ALL drive either exactly the speed limit or up to 5 under no matter what! Our state allows you to drive up to 10 over without cause so WHY do these people drive like they are in constant neutral?

People who take off ramps at 30 mph when the proper limit is 40 and can safely go down by law up to 50 and i have went down as fast as 62 before tires start squealing to experiment with the safetyness of the ramp. After knowing this information, it kills me how people CONTINUE to go down these ramps at 30!

People who are in the far right lane at a red light and ARE TURNING but sit their to wait until the light turns green. AHH!

People who continue to keep turning in front of you (opposite traffic) ever after their light turned red and yours is turning green. See, I know our traffic system laws quite well and it's simple. If I hit someone because they run a red light, it's their fault plain and simple and nobody wants to hit my car... it's too much money to fix because i have aftermarket insurance coverage on the vehicle. So, when these people keep running the red light, when mine turns green, i floor it. Nothing scares them like someone flooring it comin right at them because they run the light intentionally. You have never seen some book-it across the street until you do that, And speaking of no one wanting to hit me, someone put a dent in my tC by opening their door into my quarter panel. They only put a 2" wide dent in the quarter panel but cost them $898 to fix,

People who are turning into a parking lot off of a busy highway. They properly use their turn signal and start turning so i start to slow down. They continue to turn, i continue to slow. Their car makes it about 85% into the lot, then they STOP! with their ___ end hanging out into traffic! AHH! I gotta slam on my brakes! Someone almost hit me the other day from behind too because of the idiot who was turning.

People who are towing something on a trailer and do not have their brake lights on the trailer working at all! It is legal for me to run into them and be their fault because of that.

Point being-
There never is any cops around when you need them on the street which creates even heavier road rage because they always get away with it. So, when something dangerous or illegal occurs from a driver that i mentioned above and continue to stay on the street with me like nothin happened, I tail gate them VERY close. I have studied how close i actually am by doing experiments in my driveway since it's near impossible to know how many inches you are from hitting someone while driving until you do experiments. I notice that if a driver sees someone behind them and they are so close that they cannot see their headlights, that's close, but when you can only see about 5 inches of hood before you see their windshield, , that's scary. So, i will tail gate someone for several blocks like this then just ease off. They get their payback by having their "adrenaline rush of fear" kick in so they pay more attention to what they do when they drive!

I make it sound like my city is completely retarded. Well, they probably are, who knows...
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Old 09-02-2007, 12:13 AM
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Something else I remembered today that I hate. People who drive while using a cellphone. What the heck is so important that they MUST just talk while operating a motor vehicle? Answering the phone, getting the basic gist, and promising a call-back after you find a place to pull over? Fine. Talking about life? STFU and drive.

I lost my Caddy to a lady on the cellphone who was driving a Suburban. I hit her so hard and so low (drom standing on the brake) I knocked her axle off the truck. She had three kids in there, only one in a baby seat. I loved that damn car. To say I had $12k into it is an understatement. She was gossiping with her girlfriend, and if a cop had not been parked right there in the Panera parking lot watching the road, I could probably have been charged.

Get a hands free device or something, but I still think all of people's attention should be on the road. I bought another huge car, but the only mod I made on this one was larger brakes, a pushbar & brushguard... all in case I happen to be staring down some other idiot in an SUV with a cellphone. I sure as hell don't drive through brush.
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Old 09-02-2007, 02:23 AM
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13edge, I agree. Blabbing on the phone is definitely different than a quick "hey, don't forget to get milk, bye" type calls.

As I say that though, I guess I have been known to drive for 3 hours and talk on my cellphone the whole time, lol. I want to insist that it's different though. It's 2am-5am in the morning, out on country roads, while I deliver papers, lol. I may pass 5 cars a night, if that.
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