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Old 06-23-2006, 10:06 PM
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The gym took up ALOT of my recovery time. And it worked out great! I was in amazing shape, people took notice and I felt great about myself.

No matter what happens whether you broke up with her or vice-versa, the key is ending up better than you were when it happened. You always gotta work on making yourself better.

We're all human and most of us have a hard time letting go. That's fine. I still get a lil' frustrated when I think about when my ex-gf cheated on me and that was over a year ago and I have a girlfriend now. But you gotta be strong and have the support around you to do what you gotta do.

Things will work out on its own. In the meantime, you gotta keep living your life like you could die at any moment. Don't regret anything. Learn from your mistakes and don't do it again.

I'm here if you need to vent. We're all hoping for the best!
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Old 06-24-2006, 09:30 PM
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i admire those that are able not to regret stuff i always end up regretting all of my exs....i regret bad things and if it ended badly then how can there be no regret?

when the story with my first ex ended i lost bout 30 pounds - no food only cigs...and that was NOT pretty

anyway this is to let u know not to take it out on yr body (too much work out, no food, excessive smoking-drinkin)
i sure yr a strong guy and will get through this
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Old 06-25-2006, 06:56 PM
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Whenever I'm depressed about anything, I wallow for a few days and get it out of my system. Usually that gets me pretty ____ed off that I wasted two or three days doing nothing, so I'm at least functional again.

Either that, or I go lap swimming.

Just my $.02 good luck!
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Old 06-25-2006, 09:13 PM
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hate too say it

but time heals all wounds longest process ever

do what every body says stay busy with friends and family distractions is the best thing to do!!!
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Old 06-28-2006, 05:00 AM
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friends and time is the best cure in town lol
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Old 06-28-2006, 01:17 PM
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Time heals all wounds.. when your receptive to what goes on around you and you can determine where you or someone else went wrong, that helps to show you the proper way to letting something go and learning how to not let it happen again.. life is always going to throw odd situtations at you, and your always going to have to find new ways of coping with different situations.. I dont know your exact situation, but if it involves a partner, break-up, etc... get out and mingle, if it involves a loss, ie. death, then that usually is best dealt with by being around family and friends.. Good luck man.
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Old 06-28-2006, 02:01 PM
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Go to the rifle range. Pop off a few rounds. Make ya feel better. I must have went though a whole case of ammo over the last girl. lol.

Really though, just wait it out. It may take a while, but you'll move on. If at all possible, try not to see her...that just makes it worse. Hopefully you don't work with her (been there).
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Old 06-28-2006, 03:09 PM
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Well, have a little support group like this will help. Share stories and some ____ like that.

Here's mine a brief one: My wife cheated on me twice with a man, and once with an Asian chick (this chick is hot, and I don't actually care LOL). Found out about that when I got suspicious and created myself a fake MSN messenger and befriended her, gain her trust and even got the pictures of her and her bf/gf. I recorded all our chatting online too. Then, I waited for the right moment and bust her like there's no tommorow. It's the saddest part and also my payback time.

Pretty much got over it. Besides have a friend that I can trust and talk to, I applied a technique call "Frame Control". i.e. everytime I have a negative thought/image appear im my mind, I will immediately cut it off and replace it with positive thoughts (car mods, vacation plan, buy nice stuffs, etc). Work like a charm and help me to keep it separate from my professional life. Another fact is that, we all know, there are a bunch of clinically sane and hot chicks running around. They are everywhere, dude, that's is why I am still alive and well.
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Old 06-28-2006, 03:22 PM
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what's dat supposed to mean?!?
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Old 06-28-2006, 06:32 PM
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Last time I broke up with my girlfriend...I tried to drive around but got to where I didn't really feel like I could control the car anymore(in my old 82 RX-7). Called up my bro and he came to pick me up. We went to I-Hop at 2:30 am and had a nice smoke and a pancake with a solid talk.
Next day, a girl approached me and we exchanged numbers. We went on a couple dates. Ex finds out and calls me and yells for already "being over her" and having another girl. I asked why she was yelling and jealous..she had her chance to stay with me but chose not to. Its her fault she's jealous, and its not my fault that I have some "mad game." haha...

The only things that still keeps my mind off her:
Partying with the boys, Chillen with the boys, Chillen with all my friends, Stayin over at my sister's house, Working out, Working on the cars, GOLF!!!!!!!!!(nothing more relaxing than shooting even or under par..go to that one easy course you know)...

A couple tips...
Stay away from her friends(unless they were your friends first) so you don't hear the, "Oh! I saw _______ last night at the movies with that one dude you fought" or whatever the circumstances might be. Don't drink by yourself. If you're gonna drink, surround yourself with some of your best friends and have fun.

I've had a few break-ups in my days...The last one I'm still dealing with...We broke up last August.
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Old 06-28-2006, 06:41 PM
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last august? hmmm..mine was last Nov. and i thought i was ridiculous for still thinking about him i guess im not the only one
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Old 06-28-2006, 07:49 PM
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Default sucks when I see her every week or every other week or she calls me, texts me, IM's me, or Myspace's me. She breaks me in half and then expects me to be there for her every time. Which, I guess, is my fault because I am still there for her when she needs something...Is that a bad thing? I don't know anymore. The best week I've had in a long time was when she went camping with her family and didn't have access to a cell phone or ANY phone for a whole week. I can't wait until I move this August. Gotta get away from her(e).
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Old 06-28-2006, 08:58 PM
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i personally wanted to make him miserable - and trust me if i wanted to id get him arrested and deported too - but that would mean to get in contact in some way with him and/or the past....

and i dont think that u can get over someone if yr still in contact with them (unless the break-up was peaceful and both wanted it)

so thanx to my sky high pride i refrained from any contact - i have my ipod at his house and i thought about asking for all my stuff back but the italian in me won and i didn't - and that's how im slowly getting over him

remember that it's a game they are playing when they keep in contact while knowing u are still hurt. HE put a msg on one of my profiles and u have no idea how badly i wanted to reply but i didn't cos i don't play his game i'm above it and that's how u should think if u wanna get over yr ex

and that, my friend seems like the prob. yr having now
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Old 06-28-2006, 09:13 PM
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Good advice...Thanks.

So...Our new receptionist...
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Old 06-28-2006, 09:30 PM
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damn, good info hhaha.

i'm still waiting it out. been a week (big woop)
since i'm talked to the ex. that's a friggen record.

i went out to a bar with co-workers
and my supervisor. boy, that was a bad
decision. i made moves on her, she brought me home,
blah blah blah.

felt akward as heck the next day at work.

but that's effed up on my part.
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Old 06-28-2006, 09:34 PM
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Focus all of your pain and negative energy into something constructive - whether that be your job or working out, or some project. Every time I've broken up with a girl, I got a significant raise/promotion pretty soon afterwards.

Oh and take them out of your Top 8, block IMs, etc... delete anything that comes in from her and ffs don't pick up the phone. When she sees you're fine (even if you're not *really*) she will push harder - but by then you won't care.

New girls are always a help too.

Oh and 2tone - your xB is hottt
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Old 06-28-2006, 09:49 PM
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Originally Posted by RoswellScion
Good advice...Thanks.

So...Our new receptionist...
wait im the receptionist of love problems or u have a cute receptionist?
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Old 06-29-2006, 05:18 AM
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pick up a new hobby.. i started DJing right after my ex g/f left me for some loser. since i had alot more money to spend i got myself some turntables a mixer and a ____LOAD of vinyl. and luck would have it i got booked a few months after that at a club my friend was promoting at friday nights. best feeling ever was when i SAW her and that loser dancing to the jams i was playing, then when they finally noticed i was spinning they straight up left... awesome
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Old 06-29-2006, 05:39 AM
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Music, while connects everyone together it can also clear your state of mind and troubles that you face. Being a musician, i would recommend or suggest picking up a instrument. You can also just write poetry and/or just write in a journal, sometimes the best relief of forgeting is to actually write about it.

But if this is a relationship thing, it really ____es me off when people complain about being single at a young age. Oh my bf or gf broke up with me, i'm a failure and i can't forget them. Seriously, your young and the chances of finding someone to settle down with is pretty slim, and even if you do find that special someone the lasting rate of marriage has decreased over the years since divorce has now become socially acceptable.

My best advice to give the topic starter, and anyone else that is worried about being single is to look around you. There are more serious issues to worry about than someone you dated. And on the same note, there are so many things to look forward to in life than to sit around and be down about a relationship. This is coming from someone that used to go to group and individual theorpy for manic depression, used to take seven different kinds of medication over a course of two years to realize medication doesn't solve or fix anything. It just puts you in a non- emotional state of mind. The reason i'm saying this is because i realize life can be hard, i realize life can absolutely suck and cause mental and phsyical issues, but being in a relationship shouldn't be one of them. So minor.

If anything, you should feel lucky that you have the ability to date, and to have ex gf/bf's. In order to feel like crap, or depressed in life, you must have felt great or good at one point or another in life. Otherwise, you wouldn't be emotional. So relax.
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Old 06-29-2006, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by tC4italy
Originally Posted by RoswellScion
Good advice...Thanks.

So...Our new receptionist...
wait im the receptionist of love problems or u have a cute receptionist?

hahahaha....BOTH!!! I prank called her asking her for a purple or green Scion truck with 7 cylinders and 3 wheel drive and she got real quiet and then hung up on me. Later, she finds out its me, so she looks at the call log, finds my phone number and called me when I left work the other night. She's stalking me...but...I kinda like it. She's real cute ...
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