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View Poll Results: what do you think about the illegal immigration problem?
they should continue to come illegally
stop it now and put up a wall
send them all back
allow more illegals
give them a temporary visa status
I don't care
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Immigration Reform

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Old 04-03-2006, 08:50 PM
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Originally Posted by BSP_5c10n
Originally Posted by ScionDad
Sending ILLEGAL's back is not a problem. A very simple 2 step solution.

1) Fine ANY company caught with ILLEGAL's working for them. Fine base starts at $100,000 PER ILLEGAL. 30 days to comply. NO EXCEPTIONS

2) No valid SS number and proof of legal residence- No welfare benefits PERIOD.

Illegals will RUN back to the border.
I agree 100% there. Not sure why or how illegal immigrants get welfare anyway?
Shoot, all the bleeding hearts out there....illegals get in state college tuition breaks on most border states (or at least proposed).
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Old 04-03-2006, 10:02 PM
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Illegal Sheep Rounded Up On Stumpbroke Mountain
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Old 04-04-2006, 01:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Scott17
Dude, illegal is illegal. Charlie Manson is probably an interesting guy these days, should it matter that he did something illegal in the 60s? So thank you very much for serving.
THAT was funny. i hope in an intentional way. comparing "charlie manson" to a mexican worker picking strawberries so his family can get out of the 10 room adobe hut (and on a side note so a goll dern strawberry shortcake doesn't cost me 10 bucks at a local restaurant), has to be the most absurdly irrelevant comparison i've read. kudos. i mean that in the nicest way.
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Old 04-04-2006, 03:00 AM
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Why, thank you. It was a tad absurd. I think this whole topic is absurd. Illegal immigration is just that- illegal. How it can be defended or rationalized is beyond me. Why these people can't legally immigrate or improve Mexico is beyond me. Speaking of absurd, the other night on the news here in Dallas there was a story about all the students protesting. None of the students knew what they were prostesting for. It was ridiculous at best. They are scheduling a protest next week and Hispanic leaders are urging students to actually learn what the issues really are before they go to protest. It seems, in this area at least, Mexicos' biggest export is ignorance.
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Old 04-04-2006, 04:38 AM
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give them a temp visa and make them do it right or goodbye. it works perfectly in theory.
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Old 04-14-2006, 05:00 PM
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Modest expectations for trip to Mexico:

I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family. We plan to walk across the border from the United States into Mexico.

I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way we do here. I will be expecting the following:

-- Free medical care for my entire family.

-- English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

-- All government forms printed in English.

-- English-speaking teachers for my kids, as well as classes on American culture and history and free breakfast and lunch.

-- The American flag flying atop the school's flagpole, with the Mexican flag flying below it.

-- A Mexican driver's license so I can have easy access to government services.

I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws. I expect that all Mexican police officers will speak English.

I plan to fly the U.S. flag from my housetop, put flag decals on my car and have a gigantic celebration on July Fourth. I do not want to hear any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes; labor laws and tax laws shouldn't be enforced. I expect all Mexicans to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me or about the strain I might place on their economy.

I know these are modest expectations because we already do all these things for all the people who come to the United States from Mexico.
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Old 04-14-2006, 05:04 PM
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OK people,

Wanna take some kind of action?
Sign this petition and visit site:

visit site at:
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Old 04-14-2006, 06:30 PM
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i think that welfare is wrong no matter who is getting it.......
Now there has been talk that the illegals want to riot like after rodney king if the bill passes, talk about stupid....
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Old 04-14-2006, 06:36 PM
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Call in air strikes!
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Old 04-14-2006, 06:47 PM
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This is stupid all people should be welcome here! I was born here almost 22 years ago (of african american descent) what makes me or you more worthy to be here than anyone else?
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Old 04-14-2006, 07:32 PM
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you are here legally maybe?
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Old 04-14-2006, 07:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Tay831
This is stupid all people should be welcome here! I was born here almost 22 years ago (of african american descent) what makes me or you more worthy to be here than anyone else?
I am not trying to be offensive, but why is it that you have to mention that you are of African American descent?

Nobody is saying that a certain group of people are more worthy to be here, just that if you immigrate here you need to go through the proper channels. This is not just a problem with America its a problem for every country. America is one of the only places that has chosen to ignore the issue for so long. Try being from Central America and trying to cross Mexico's southern border, you will be lucky if your not shot.
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Old 04-14-2006, 08:48 PM
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Most of the people that are angry are angry about people crossing in from mexico. Look at the minutemen they patrol the areas between u.s and mexico in the highest amounts. People say they are stealing our jobs... are u(anyone) going to do the work that many of them do to better their family. And as some of those signs that are on the first page they are racist. Also regarding what was said ^^^^ i dont care what country we are talking about I feel people should be able to go where they would like.... IDK maybe Im dreaming.
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Old 04-14-2006, 09:19 PM
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Yes they are patroling the Mexican border, but that doesn't always mean its from Mexicans, just people coming in from Mexico. Those people could be South American, Europian, Arab, and so on.

I still want to know what you being African American has to do with this issue. I am not trying to be offensive, I just don't see the connection. And there is nothing wrong with people going where they would like, they just need to do it the right way.
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Old 04-14-2006, 10:21 PM
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I figured that People would figure since Iam pro-whatever is good for people that I was someone who had imigrated of something of that sort. Really though the majority of those people are hispanic you cannot deny that so it seems racist in a way we dont own this place as eariler post said we came and stole it from indians. Still waters run deep tho so this agrument will always be had.
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Old 04-14-2006, 10:37 PM
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imo, some folk are missing the point. we are not debating whether or not illegal immigration is bad... obviously, it is against the law and the laws should be enforced. what the debate should be focusing upon is what to do with the people who have been here for a significant amount of time and already have jobs. we need to get these folk legal in some way. certainly deporting them will not only affect their families negatively, but the economy as well.

imo, there is no other reason for anyone arguing to be "exclusive" rather than "inclusive" for these particular people than either racism or ethnocentricity. we ALL came from somewhere else; legal or illegal.

we do need to tighten the borders so the people here can pick strawberries or change sheets at Motel 6 if they want to but we also need to have something in place to get the revenue from the folk who "got here somehow" some years back, so their experience here isn't "underground".
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Old 04-15-2006, 07:23 PM
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If you really look at it aren't most people either immigrants or their ansestors were? I say most because I know there a few real Native peoples here, me for one.
They just need to get all the illegal immigrants to be legal and the newer ones that do not want to become legal just to go home.
This country was started by them, except for the people that were here first( Native Americans) For those that want the illegal people to leave, remenber that when your ancestor first got here, there was a group already here that wanted them to go home.
If you feel real strong about this and many other things you do have a choice, register to vote and make it count for what you believe. If you don't vote, you cannot complain about whats going on because your voice really isn't heard.
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Old 04-22-2006, 08:33 PM
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May 1st being labor day in many countries, we are suppose to have a big work stoppage and protests....

lets see what will happen
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Old 05-02-2006, 11:47 PM
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Here is a great letter I dug up and which you are free to copy and distribute as you wish:

To: President Bush and Members of the US Congress

Each of you has taken an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Your authority to govern We the People is contingent on fulfilling that solemn oath. You serve at the will of We the People; you have no other claim to power.

The American people intend to hold each of you responsible for meeting the conditions of your oath of office.

Mexico is obviously a foreign nation. Mexico is also a third-world, socialist nation, which because of corruption, greed, and incompetence, is unable to feed, educate, and provide minimal health care to its citizens.

Rather than reforming the political and economic policies that make Mexico a failure, the elitist socialists that govern Mexico have decided to "redistribute" America's wealth to 20 million peasants who have invaded America across the Mexican border.

Mexico's outrageous disregard for American borders and immigration law clearly makes that nation a "foreign enemy." The unlawful invasion by Mexican citizens, encouraged by the Mexican government, results in great harm to America's homeland security, economic and cultural stability, and the rule of law.

Again: Mexico is an ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES. Immediate action must be taken to protect the American people from the undeclared war being waged against our interests by Mexico.

The single greatest priority in defending America is to secure the borders. If that means positioning 100,000 or so troops at the border, then so be it.

America must defend its borders against foreign invasion, including use of force if necessary.

Some immigration reform proposals in congress entertain the notion of "amnesty," called guest worker in Washington. All such proposals are unacceptable because they would simply encourage even more illegal aliens to invade America. We must not reward criminal behavior with unwise amnesty programs!

If illegal aliens are uncomfortable about living in the US as second-class citizens in the shadows, THAT IS NOT AMERICA'S CONCERN! They are here illegally and should not be made to feel good about themselves---they are criminals!

They have the option and the obligation to go back to Mexico.

Bottom line: Secure our borders NOW, deport those here illegally NOW, and enforce all immigration laws NOW.

Or, start looking for new work!
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Old 05-03-2006, 01:10 AM
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1.) Illegal immigrants are just that: here because they have broken and continue to break US law. Thus, they are ILLEGAL. It is perfectly HUMANE, NON-RACIST, and not BIGOTRY to call someone who breaks the law a law-breaker. Do we agree on this?

2.) I go through a life & death struggle to escape a 3rd world country with no hope or future, manage to break several laws doing it, yet wave my old country's flag above my new one and demand equal rights? Pick a side!

3.) When it comes to the expedited process of green card + citizenship for illegals who have been here 5+ years............. what gives you the right to leap ahead of many, many LEGAL + LAW-ABIDING citizens of the world who have waited their turn to get into the US?

4.)" A Day Without Immigrants" turned out to be a disastrous failure, with even mainstream media calling it "A Day Without Illegal Immigrants." Who was impacted and what image are you portraying?

5.)Yes, America's current population is based in immigrants who came here from other countries. Even the Native Americans migrated here from Asia, so no one can say that they are truly "native" in North America. Knock, knock - the 21st century is here, please answer the door. The US has a strong enough population and economy without illegals.

6.)This movement to legalize illegal immigrants will be the single greatest blunder of Dubya's illustrious presidency- congratulations, you've just welcomed millions of law-breakers into our abode. Yes, I am referring to the ILLEGALS.

I propose several things:

Any illegal immigrant caught within the US borders gets fully biometricized and deported. If you come back, you're placed on a black list and can never be allowed within the US again.

If you are coming into this country illegally, welcome them- but you must serve in the US military for 6 years full-time before being able to receive your green card and 10 years before citizenship.

All immigrants must pass a TOEFL test.

BAN the practice of anchor babies, where anyone born in the US is an automatic citizen.

end rant.
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