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Old 11-05-2008, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Eltaco
He refused to wear a "Stars and Stripes" lapel pin. All of a sudden after the media jumped all over that, he started wearing one. He refuses to "Pledge Allegiance". He doesn't cover his heart durring the National Anthem. He only started saying, "God Bless America" after the media aired the statements made by his Pastor. I only see a person that is power hungry, not color of skin.
So wait, just because he:
- didn't wear a pin until people like you and the MSM jumped down his throat about it
- doesn't say the Pledge
- doesn't cover his heart during the Anthem
- started saying "god bless America" only after people like you and the MSM jumped down his throat about it

That means he's power hungry? Not only did you make a huge unfounded leap there between not wearing a pin and being "power hungry", but you realize all of that is laughably trite, right? OH NO, HE DOESN'T WEAR A PIN, RAISE THE TERROR LEVEL. I stand in respectful silence during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, with my hands behind my back... are you going to call me power hungry (or even graduate up to "un-American"), too?


People are making a big deal out of the fact that he's a black man who just took the highest office in the country because:

- 50 years ago, someone like him wouldn't even be allowed to drink out of the same water fountain as a lot of you white-bread folks
- Every single person who has ever held this office has been an old, white guy (save for JFK) - now we have a comparatively young black guy in office.

Race should not be a factor in anyone's reason to vote for him by any stretch of the imagination, but the fact that he did get voted into office is actually quite a big deal.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:22 PM
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can i get the red bar under my name changed to a blue bar? lol.
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by MillerRS1
1st time i got to vote at 18 1st time I picked the right pres.
and your vote made a difference too :-)
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Old 11-05-2008, 01:32 PM
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Canada is looking good for the few that are REALLY upset.

i was thinking about Cananda myself earlier in the year. too much downfall from EVERYTHING was going on.
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by CDogbert
Originally Posted by Eltaco
He refused to wear a "Stars and Stripes" lapel pin. All of a sudden after the media jumped all over that, he started wearing one. He refuses to "Pledge Allegiance". He doesn't cover his heart durring the National Anthem. He only started saying, "God Bless America" after the media aired the statements made by his Pastor. I only see a person that is power hungry, not color of skin.
So wait, just because he:
- didn't wear a pin until people like you and the MSM jumped down his throat about it
- doesn't say the Pledge
- doesn't cover his heart during the Anthem
- started saying "god bless America" only after people like you and the MSM jumped down his throat about it

That means he's power hungry? Not only did you make a huge unfounded leap there between not wearing a pin and being "power hungry", but you realize all of that is laughably trite, right? OH NO, HE DOESN'T WEAR A PIN, RAISE THE TERROR LEVEL. I stand in respectful silence during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, with my hands behind my back... are you going to call me power hungry (or even graduate up to "un-American"), too?


People are making a big deal out of the fact that he's a black man who just took the highest office in the country because:

- 50 years ago, someone like him wouldn't even be allowed to drink out of the same water fountain as a lot of you white-bread folks
- Every single person who has ever held this office has been an old, white guy (save for JFK) - now we have a comparatively young black guy in office.

Race should not be a factor in anyone's reason to vote for him by any stretch of the imagination, but the fact that he did get voted into office is actually quite a big deal.
I bet if we took an honest vote, the majority here, dont have their hand over their heart. There are two options when listening to our national anthem, hand over the heart or hands down at your side/behind back. Unless of course we are in kindergarten, then our teachers slap your wrists. But thank god we have graduated from that level of education (oh wait, our media hasn't, since they thought that was a big deal).

When this man was born, blacks were not allowed to vote. He was 3 years old when they had their first chance to get an American right that we all cherish today (well the 40% that actually vote on a consistent basis).

It is pathetic to see the people that followed McCain toward candidacy, be children afterward. Everyone, even Obama supporters, should take a hint about McCain, and have class/respect. We have to realize that no matter who took office, we are better off than the past 8 years, when our vote didn't really matter, when the majority surprisingly didn't win the election. But last night, in a true sign of a united country, we were able to elect a minority to office with an unifying and massive yes. We are not divided no longer, we will have an above 50% approval rating for our president, the one that we elected.

So get the slander, get the hatred, get the bigotry out. There is no need to bring in KKK crap, talks about assassination, or ANY of it. Its not NEEDED!
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:46 PM
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Obama is so much more than a President-elect....

He's an Icon...a symbol! Think of the children that watched the election last night and said, "wow, maybe I could be president."

Obama is not perfect, I'm Black and don't agree with everything he says....but he and his family are a beacon of what this country needs right now to get back on track as a Super Power.

He was raised in a single-parent, middle class family...just like MANY of you...He will surround himself with the right people to balance out his inequalities and short comings about foreign policy, etc.

Stop with the talks of hate...we've come too far...He will be your President too and you should support his administration or contest have that right!

Be proud today that you witnessed something so great...the WORLD celebrated with is the first step in a better direction for ALL Americans, not just minorities.
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:49 PM
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well said!
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Old 11-05-2008, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Yanki01

That is one of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen in my near 50 years.
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:05 PM
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depending on how or who is singing that national anthem (i watch a lot of NASCAR) it usually will bring down a tear or two. especially when a child sings it.

taps? i can't handle it.

when i was a volunteer fireman from 99-04. i would march in our memorial day parade and every time i marched past a group of kids holding and waving American flags it means oh so much to be in this country.

i heard in a few countries they don't show as much patriotism as we do. count the American flags in your town. their is a lot isn't there :-)
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by rrimportracer
Originally Posted by Eltaco
He refused to wear a "Stars and Stripes" lapel pin. All of a sudden after the media jumped all over that, he started wearing one. He refuses to "Pledge Allegiance". He doesn't cover his heart during the National Anthem. He only started saying, "God Bless America" after the media aired the statements made by his Pastor. I only see a person that is power hungry, not color of skin. I hope when he takes the oath of office with his hand on the Bible, that it is truly heart felt.

I also hope my worries are un-warranted, and he does well for our nation.
this is exactly why i dont want him anywhere near the presidency.

i couldnt care less what race he was, but this right here is what bothers me the most.
Well, I have some good news for you both. That ONE incident, where he forgot to place his hand over his heart, is countered by dozens and dozens of photos and videos from BEFORE that day where he did.

As for the Bible reference, that's just ignorance talking. You both should be happy to know that Obama is christian. You can stop listening to the anti-Obama garbage that was being spewed all over the place.

As for power hungery? You can say that about everyone that runs for office. Or, if you really want to be part of the healing, you can watch Obama carefully as he puts together a bipartisan cabinet that will include Republicans and Democrats, then realize that this is no ordinary politician.

Here's a stat for us all to consider. The youth vote, supposedly an Obama cornerstone, was only up 1% over 2004. Yet Obama carried 5% more white voters than Kerry did 4 years ago.

That should be loud and clear.

Obama carried Virginia. That's an exclamation point like no other.
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by firesquare
Canada is looking good for the few that are REALLY upset.

i was thinking about Cananda myself earlier in the year. too much downfall from EVERYTHING was going on.

Hey! don't send 'em up here. We've got enough non-tolerant people up here. We don't need more.

Congrats to Obama and the Dems. Happy to see it. Now here's hoping that people will take McCain's words at his concession speech to heart, and work together to make things better all around.

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Old 11-05-2008, 03:23 PM
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but im one of the good guys. i drive a scion!
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Old 11-05-2008, 03:56 PM
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Originally Posted by firesquare
but im one of the good guys. i drive a scion!
Yeah, maybe... I just don't want anymore of the lipservice "fundamentalist" xtians up here. We've got enough problems with the ones we have.
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Old 11-05-2008, 04:17 PM
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Default this point, i think theres alot riding on Obama right now. There are alot of ppl that are pretty much relying and putting all there trust on him to make a change. But i believe in him.....after all

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Old 11-05-2008, 04:23 PM
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go obama!!!
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Old 11-05-2008, 04:31 PM
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Some of you people crack me up. I love how your scared of Obama cause he's not a christian (or so you believe). Well i dunno if he is or not and i dunno if Mccain isor not (that's something between that person and God). But Mccain is not saint either remember that one. As a christian myself i don't think that religion should have anything to do with politics. I voted for Mccain for several reasons. Mainly cause I don't like a few of Omaba's policies, mainly in the tax area. But Obama is our next president and He has my support for the next four years. If he does well then I'm happy. If he screws it up we all have the chance to get rid of him in four years. look at this douche bag we let run around for 8. Anyway you look at it, If you're a mccain or obama supporter, what we're getting is better than what we've got. So suck it up butter cup and if you don't like it vote in 2012.
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Old 11-05-2008, 04:37 PM
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I'm going to carry around a pic of Obama so when anyone tries to pull out the race card on me...

BAM! <shows pic of Obama> I don't think so!

On a serious note though, I am truly happy for him and his family and proud to see history in the making. He has accomplished a lot and I am SOOO happy to have a president that speaks proper english and isn't a moron. I'm looking forward to seeing the changes ahead.
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Old 11-05-2008, 04:39 PM
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Since we all live in the very P.C. country we live in I would like to point out that we have the first interracial President-elect. Go America for "breaking through the racial barrier". I thought this race had nothing to do with race?
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Old 11-05-2008, 04:40 PM
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Originally Posted by elpolloblanco009
Some of you people crack me up. I love how your scared of Obama cause he's not a christian (or so you believe). Well i dunno if he is or not and i dunno if Mccain isor not (that's something between that person and God). But Mccain is not saint either remember that one. As a christian myself i don't think that religion should have anything to do with politics. I voted for Mccain for several reasons. Mainly cause I don't like a few of Omaba's policies, mainly in the tax area. But Obama is our next president and He has my support for the next four years. If he does well then I'm happy. If he screws it up we all have the chance to get rid of him in four years. look at this douche bag we let run around for 8. Anyway you look at it, If you're a mccain or obama supporter, what we're getting is better than what we've got. So suck it up butter cup and if you don't like it vote in 2012.
W.O.W i couldnt agree with you more on that one....
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Old 11-05-2008, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by jsa3mm
Since we all live in the very P.C. country we live in I would like to point out that we have the first interracial President-elect. Go America for "breaking through the racial barrier". I thought this race had nothing to do with race?
I want to elaborate on what I posted. The reason I say this is because race realtions and P.C. mentality go hand in hand. We haven't borken through any barrier when Americans continue to sa things such as "breaking through the racial barrier", "as a black person", and many other divisive statements Americans use daily. We should all be Americans first not Asian-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Native Americans, and any other hyphenated nationality you can fit before being an American! Until you get rid of those divisive terms we shall never "break through the racial barrier".
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