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Old 11-29-2005, 01:50 AM
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I hate annoying people, old people, out of towners, slow people, semi trucks, vikings, weather, xb, xa, ugly people, reptiles, wannabes, etc etc etc.
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Old 11-29-2005, 01:51 AM
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once you're in the water, it's not bad. While you're being dressed in the suit (you can't get in or out by yourself), they suspend the helmet from a hook, taking most of the 200 lbs of helmet and weight belt weight off your shoulders.

Once the suit is all buttoned up, you've got to stand up (your tenders will help make sure you don't fall) and walk over to the lifting stage, and stand there while the stage is lifted up then into the water.

After the dive is over, you get lifted out of the water, and back onto the deck of the ship, and your tenders get you out of the suit. They try to do that as quickly as possible, as there is one type of decompression that allows for three minutes to get the diver out of the suit and into a re-compression chamber.

I was once yanked out of the suit in 1 minute 8 seconds.

Oh, yeah, did I mention that this is on the deck of an anchored ship?
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Old 11-29-2005, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by X_Box

And my "My Space Pet peeves" (For ya'll My Spacers)

-Tom isn't going to delete you.
-You're not going to die if you dont repost a damn bulletin.
-Your crush isn't going to notice you.
-Something good will definately NOT happen to you.
-The only thing stupid chain letters do is slow things down and cause Tom to have to put the site down for Maintance.

-So stop it!
haha i feel you on that one! lol i never respond to the bulletins.

(p.s. my page is if anyone wants to add me )
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Old 11-29-2005, 04:06 AM
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Originally Posted by hornet_on_flower
dang you have to be some sort of a muscle man to lug that 297 suit around WOW
on land yeah....but it was designed for outer space....

before you say it....
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Old 11-29-2005, 04:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Monarch
I hate annoying old vikings
"back in my day, we had to walk 5 miles in the snow to pillage a norse village! you kids nowadays...."

i hate them too.
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Old 11-29-2005, 11:43 PM
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People that break hard because you are following too close. Hmmm, someone's very close to me, should I A) speed up, thereby increasing the distance between us that is worrying me, or B) throw on my brakes, thus eliminating the buffer space that seems already too small????

People that brake up hill, then immediately jump back on the gas. (It's OK to not have your foot on either pedal, just let it roll.

I second Darren's complaint about the cig butts, but not just in the car. I see it all the time. When I see it in the City, I try to mention what a beautiful ashtray they've turned it into. And especially when it's dry as a bone here in Cali during fire season and peeps still don't care. I've got about 8-10 pics of people I've seen throwing their butt's outta the car. One is even a quicktime vid and you can see the butt bouncing. It's so obvious the smokers that are like that...

Another annoying unword, not a typo, is bumber. Bump for bumber issues...

And as much of a techie as I am, I just hate those bluetooth headsets. Those, combined with people's lack of common sense as to when it is OK/not OK to talk on the phone really annoy me. Some people are so advanced in their communications that they have lost the ability to communicate with the people right in front of them. Plus, they look like they have been assimilated by the BORG...

My favorite peeve that I resolved recently was the Auto setting on the dryer. My wife would never use it and when I would try to help with the laundry, the stuff would still be wet and have to dry longer and I'd get ____ed and not want to come back again and again. I took the blue masking tape and covered all the other markings on the control dial so now the only part you can see is the Auto setting with a line drawn in the center. I haven't had to restart a load since that. I grin every time I see it. Now if can just figure out how to straighten her out on the dishwasher... but that's a much bigger task...
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Old 11-30-2005, 12:57 AM
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Old 11-30-2005, 03:33 AM
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thought of another one...this one is not very bad overall but just bringing it up.

I do not like when people say "act your age" - I do not act, I just be myself.

Acting is fake, to me the whole phrase is fake and funny as hell. I used to hate when adults would tell me that as a child or teen.

I like to think outside the box I guess.

Be yourself! Don't act!
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Old 11-30-2005, 11:31 AM
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Here's one of mine:
Why is it that by noon, my $60 Cologne has lost all of it's smell, but my $2.50 deodorant still has it's scent like 10 hours later?

Oh, and my biggest pet peeve of all:
When I'm talking on the phone to someone, and you happen to be in the room with me, DON'T STAND THERE AND TRY TO TALK TO ME UNTIL I FINISH MY CALL!!!
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Old 11-30-2005, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Monarch
I hate annoying people, old people, out of towners, slow people, semi trucks, vikings, weather, xb, xa, ugly people, reptiles, wannabes, etc etc etc.
What's that? Speak up...I couldn't hear you over the squeeks and rattles coming from your Sunroof and rear hatch.
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Old 11-30-2005, 03:06 PM
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Here is another pet peeve of mine in the past few years. Everyone's fascination of Pirates and Ninjas. I'm not talking about people who actually do Karate, I mean people like my roommate in college who tried to get me to take part in "National talk like a pirate day." I almost hit him in the face for that. It's really not funny anymore people.

Oh yeah, I also hate bathrooms with up close and personal mirrors that force you to watch yourself s**t.
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Old 11-30-2005, 06:30 PM
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traffic jam when you're already late, a no smoking sign on your cigarette break, it's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife....alright alanis morrisette sucks.

pet peeves: fake or pretentious people. long lines. f*cking teenagers that talk and act like they're retarded in the middle of the theater during a movie. i agree with FRO, what's with all that pretentious pirate/ninja bullsh*t. rude people just plain suck, nothing annoying there. I agree with PrettyNiceB, stepping in some water with socks on blows. people that honk excessively. shoppers the day after thanksgiving. christmas gets on my nerves, any holiday in december does for that matter. asking a pretty girl for a cigarette and then she has a sour attitude, it's like just give me a damn cigarette i dont give a f*ck you're a piece of sh*t ****, i aint trying to bone you. the employees at starbucks, way too annoying. when you notice somebody copy you or your idea. people that make excuses. people that try too hard. mormons. atheists. liberals. conservatives. asian kids tha act black. white kids that act black. black kids that act too black. black kids that act white. mullets suck. the late night crowd at denny's. your mom. the employees at best buy. mustangs. lil kids wearing oakleys. lil kids at restaurants trying to beat the last level on their newest gameboy and then having their mom scream at them to put that thing away before it gets taken away. people that wear a million gold chains around their neck, yeah mr. t looked dumb back then and so do you. kids that throw snowballs or waterballoons at passing cars, yeah i know i did it too when i was young, but it's pretty damn annoying. when a semi racist guy tries to talk to you about affirmative action or his daddy's conferderate flag in his living room. thieves, cheaters, scammers, etc. people that talk out their ___ constantly. mcdonalds. that annoying rattle coming from somewhere in your tC. the guys that fill up your gas for you in oregon. cops that tail you for 4 blocks then turn off suddenly or make a u turn. LOTR trilogy. Matrix Trilogy. any type of tilogy. japan giving us sh*t for cars. people that ask to borrow money. people that laugh like hyennas cause apparently to them if you dont laugh every 2 mins you cease to exist. all the news channels. when you buy a slurpee at 7-11 and take 2 sips of it and its half gone already. sales people of any kind. car dealerships. jury duty. paying for parking. when someone yells at you to wake up, when all it takes for a person to wake up is a gentle nudge. when you get a haircut and someone's asks "hey did you get a haircut?" Yes i did stupid the guys at autozone that claim you get 5 extra hp if you buy the set of bosch platinum +4 spark plugs. techno music. mean people suck. nice people swallow. have a happy f*cking holiday everybody.
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Old 11-30-2005, 06:38 PM
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^^^I think somebody needs a hug. ^^^
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Old 11-30-2005, 07:14 PM
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Old 11-30-2005, 08:54 PM
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I can't stand people who don't use blinkers, ESPECIALLY the ones who dart in front of you in traffic with no prior notice, scary. I have lots of problems with people who don't know when to switch their brights off, like when they are behind me or in front of me....

Door-to-door salesmen: In this day and age, do we really need to be wasting time going door to door? We have pop-ups for products when we surf the net, spam when we check our email, flyers in the mail, TV commercials, radio ads, billboards, and unsolicited phone calls. Is there a need for someone to come to your house and bother you? I think not.

Driers and missing socks. I used to think it was just an old wives tale, till all my damn socks went missing!

Beliefs: I think everyone should have the right to have their own beliefs, and they need to be able to. That being said, they are YOUR beliefs, you keep them. You have the right to your beliefs, and I have the right to not care about them...simple as that. Don't push your ideas on me, because you won't give me a second to tell you mine anyways.

Celebrities: I know this has got to be something that started recently. With all these magazines about celebrities and their lifestyles, and that nonsense, we know way too much about these people's lives. Who really cares if Nick and Jessica call it quits? Not I. As a matter of fact, I think the reason news organizations are so bad (as someone pointed out earlier) is that we waste all of our time worrying about these people. OMG so-and-so had a BABY!! So what? Hundreds of thousands of children are born every day on this planet, why do we need to hear about one person’s child. Seems like we as a nation, have too many false prophets.

Talking down about Scions..... That has got to be the worst one.
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Old 11-30-2005, 09:06 PM
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Celebrities & famous people, atheletes....I agree 100%

I cannot stand that either. What is funny as well is when someone asks you if you heard about what so and so did...or that so and so had a baby...and you say "I dont really care" and they are almost shocked you do not follow it!!
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Old 11-30-2005, 09:20 PM
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Originally Posted by phatcyclist

Celebrities: I know this has got to be something that started recently. With all these magazines about celebrities and their lifestyles, and that nonsense, we know way too much about these people's lives. Who really cares if Nick and Jessica call it quits? Not I. As a matter of fact, I think the reason news organizations are so bad (as someone pointed out earlier) is that we waste all of our time worrying about these people. OMG so-and-so had a BABY!! So what? Hundreds of thousands of children are born every day on this planet, why do we need to hear about one person’s child. Seems like we as a nation, have too many false prophets.
My theory is that this has replaced the neighborhood gossip because nobody has time to talk to their neighbors these days...
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Old 11-30-2005, 09:26 PM
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Old 11-30-2005, 09:32 PM
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The worst is when these celebrities, who are usually only famous because they look good, play games well or make music, suddenly think we care about their political views. Sing and dance, entertain me like the organ grinders monkey and then STFU and go away...

Damn, for a thread that seemed like healthy venting, i'm suddenly getting all riled up!!! hahaha...
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Old 11-30-2005, 09:36 PM
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all i see is
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