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Old 10-04-2005, 05:03 PM
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I love it when you guys nail it tight like that: you like women so you'll make allowances for lesbian hot sex.

Ahem.. we ___ men are physiologically and emotionally the same as you except for the target of interest

Ergo, I kinda like it to watch a film with two hot guys having sex.

so whut's da problem and what's the distance in our perspective?

two things only:

-Biblical prohibitions
-the worry/ingrained that somehow the straight guy is vulnerable to "flipping over"'. Which is not a valid fear.

Women don't have to deal with that factor, nor are they so self-deluding as we guys are.
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Old 10-04-2005, 05:10 PM
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humor again:

News Flash!
Michael Jackson's son runs away from home!
He does not like the way he's being reared.

Sci agrees and so will all: That's a sick family
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Old 10-04-2005, 05:11 PM
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Originally Posted by SciFly
I love it when you guys nail it tight like that: you like women so you'll make allowances for lesbian hot sex.
I don't "make allowances" for lesbian sex. I don't look at or watch ****. I said I believe both ___ and lesbian sex is wrong. I simply said that the sight of two women together doesn't repulse me like seeing to men together. That doesn't mean I seek it out and watch it.
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Old 10-04-2005, 05:13 PM
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didn't quite say that you do.
But I guess you've -seen- it at some time in some form,
or you wouldn't know that F on F does not repulse you
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Old 10-04-2005, 05:15 PM
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Originally Posted by SciFly
didn't quite say that you do.
But I guess you've -seen- it at some time in some form,
or you wouldn't know that F on F does not repulse you
You did kind of imply it. Yes, I have seen it. I didn't become a Christian until I was 21 years old. Prior to that, I did quite a few things I'm not very proud of.
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Old 10-04-2005, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by SciFly
you like women so you'll make allowances for lesbian hot sex
I don't want you to think I don't see your point. I really do understand what you are saying. Now see mine.
One of the things with men is that we are re-producing machines. We have "evolved" into monogamous relationships but our genetics and instincts tell us to spread our seed to as many women as possible to carry on our genes. The more women there are the more seed we spread and this keeps our genes running strong. Another thing with men is that we are competitive. We do not like to have to compete with another male to spread our seed. If we are the only male in a group of females then we are the one who gets to re-produce. It's almost animalistic. Boy I hope that made since.
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Old 10-04-2005, 05:25 PM
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really i dont care... if you are ___ you are ___ if you arnt you arnt it really shouldnt be a big deal because whats really wrong with loveing who you want?

as i was watching Blue Collar Comedy Tour
"So I told my friend everyone of us is a bit ___.. and he goes no man I am 100% straight and I asked him if he like ****, he told me yes, I asked if he liked if the if the guys had small weners and he goes no I like the guys with the big coc.... oh i did not know that about myself"

maybe it was me but i thought it was funny lol ill shut up now *goes and hides*
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Old 10-04-2005, 05:32 PM
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Originally Posted by BakerRage
really i dont care... if you are ___ you are ___ if you arnt you arnt...
Must've taken you a long time to come up with that one!
No man, we are just discussing things here and we understand that part. We understand that people are different. We are just talking, in a civilized manner, about how and why and right or wrong. By the way, I love Blue Collar TV.
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Old 10-04-2005, 06:06 PM
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Originally Posted by VanillaRice
Originally Posted by BakerRage
really i dont care... if you are ___ you are ___ if you arnt you arnt...
Must've taken you a long time to come up with that one!
yeah it did i was stareing at this post for about 30 mins <cause thats me

really i dont think it is wrong i mean its a way of life for some people but its the makeing out in plubic (pda) thats just werid i mean love is a strong bond either between a man and woman or man and man or woman and woman, its really how they want to live their life is how the world should see it i mean whats ___ people stoping straight people to love someone? i think everyone aginst gays is just blind sided by the past and really need to look into the future

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Old 10-04-2005, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by VanillaRice
Originally Posted by BakerRage
really i dont care... if you are ___ you are ___ if you arnt you arnt...
Must've taken you a long time to come up with that one!
No man, we are just discussing things here and we understand that part. We understand that people are different. We are just talking, in a civilized manner, about how and why and right or wrong. By the way, I love Blue Collar TV.
I love BCCT, but I had rather watch a guy on guy movie than see BCTV...
No, wait, I might have said too much.....

Baker, I think we all are in agreement that we don't necessarily say the homosexuality is bad.. Some of us, in our heart of hearts think it is wrong. But, instead of being against the person, we are against the act.
I am glad that I now know that I have at least 2 homosexual friends. Will we hang out together? Yes, if the opportunity affords itself... will we go to a parade together?? Not likely.
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Old 10-04-2005, 06:42 PM
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dude, I would not go to a parade alone :D can I make a third Homofriend of yours? I can always use friends :D
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Old 10-04-2005, 07:36 PM
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Originally Posted by SirScion
dude, I would not go to a parade alone :D can I make a third Homofriend of yours? I can always use friends :D
Sir, you were already in the count...
And what good are friends if you can't use them??
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Old 10-04-2005, 08:19 PM
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___ parade? oh what a fruity embarassment, always has been.
-there are these fringes in every "group".

The convulsively In Your Face kind are the ones we see on TV news.

case in point: When Pedro Zamora (remember him, season one of The Real World, mtv?) died, some months later there was an open memorial service for Pedros fans to attend.

This was held at the concert hall on Lincoln Road in Miami Beach. Lincoln Road is a pedestrian boulevard; no cars.

I happened to be there because I'm was the piano tuner for that hall (home of the New World Symphony training orchestra) and had been tuning the workshop pianos.

A great ruckus was heard outside. I stepped out to investigate.

South Beach, you know, has a lot of gays. There was that Reverend what's his name... you may recall the name, I can't at the moment.

He had a cadre of imported protesters from his MidWest snake nest. About a dozen of these nut case zealots in all.

the signage I recall. no exageration:




---and this is just a flip side of those extremists of hate; those ___- ___ parades which make me -shrink- with embarassment, thinking/knowing that THIS is the image of gays Middle America will be having nightmares about.
The parades are what -you- remember.

I remember...
I encountered Pedro Zamora on his deathbed... by accident...
He was dying in a patient room at Mercy Hospital which happened to be next to the room where a ___ friend of mine lay critically ill with HIV disease=AIDS.

The family was circled around their son. There was no disapproval of his living.
There was sobbing from the former cast members of The Real World, who escorted me out of the room.

One of them, that young political cartoonist, unloaded his sorrow on me. I listened.. Young people all over the nation mourned when their empathetic youth leader, voice for tolerance, lost his life to... "satan"??? To a viral complex.

Mental complexes are as fatal to gays as any virally induced disorder. You just don't see the graphic deaths of discounted ___ youth. They are not telegenic like young Pedro once was.
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Old 10-04-2005, 08:22 PM
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Old 10-04-2005, 08:32 PM
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Originally Posted by oldmanatee
Originally Posted by SirScion
dude, I would not go to a parade alone :D can I make a third Homofriend of yours? I can always use friends :D
Sir, you were already in the count...
And what good are friends if you can't use them??
WHOOT! I was in the count :blush: you are my freind too manatee, and of course SciFly...even though he still hasnt written ME a special poem.
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Old 10-04-2005, 08:34 PM
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.... you are my friend too manatee, and of course SciFly...even though he still hasnt written ME a special poem.

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Old 10-04-2005, 08:36 PM
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yeah, thats right... DO IT. lol
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Old 10-04-2005, 08:39 PM
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For Sir Scion: a special song lyric written by satirist Tom Lehrer about 1951.
Altered is one word: "dainty" becomes "handsome" for our fun.
This is a walz-tune song. So dance with me, Sir?
Verrry romantically, please:

I hold your hand in mine, dear
I press it to to my lips.

I take a healthy bite from
Your handsome fin-ger-tips.

My joy would be complete, dear,
If you were only heeeere.

But still I keep your hand as...
A precious sou-ven-ir.

I cut-it-off.
(I really don't know why)

For now each time I hold it tight...
I get....bloodstains onnnnn my tie.

My joy would be complete dear
If you were only here,
But until they come and get me,
Iiiiiiiiii will hollld your haaaand in miiiine.

thank you.. you'll get an original poem later but
it may not be what you expect
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Old 10-04-2005, 08:48 PM
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Interesting thread.

Personally I don't like lesbians...I like bisexual women. Those are more fun.

I feel everyone has the right to be what they want. I just hate it went there are all these damn special circumstances and laws individualizing these people that are different. Take hate crimes for instance, why should penalties be greater just because a person is ___ or black or purple or whatever. Isn't all crime based on hatred? People don't commit murder because they love their victims. So if I kill someone because I want their shoes, I get 20 to life. Now if that person was ___, the sentance is automatically life with possible death sentence (depends on state).

It cracks me up that people want equality but constantly want special crap to make them better or give them more advantages.
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Old 10-04-2005, 08:49 PM
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Noting as we carry on: Fourth day for this thread. 2800 reads at this time.

It is a topic about which all people are intensely curious!

Am glad there is no hate displayed. It's a good thread and it does not promote a thing other than peace of mind and security for all readers.

-there is no question that can't be asked here.
-neither "side" is interested in lambasting the other so far.

Remarkable! Good! HoOOORaaaay!

=====addendum in reaction to you above:

Take hate crimes for instance, why should penalties be greater just because a person is ___ or black or purple or whatever.
Because there are egregious crimes committed on pure hate basis by small numbers of people. IF you were to lynch a black person in MS, I'd hope they hang you in turn (speaking of illustration).

Hate crime laws are directed to very specific acts. Very interestingly, the Matthew Shepard story that gripped the nation some years back turns out NOT to have been a hate crime.

Most murderers are opportunists, sociopaths looking for gain of some sort. The hate crime killer does it for pure pleasure and status within his warped social sub-set at the trailer park. Hate crime laws put these idiots on notice that prosecution will be especially severe. In a -strange way- it seems to work. Federal agents will come into play in a hate crime case in Tupelo, for instance, yes? I think that's a good thing.
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