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The tale of my xB, a Ford truck, and a football coach

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Old 10-24-2007, 03:22 PM
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Default The tale of my xB, a Ford truck, and a football coach

A week or so ago, while at my son's football practice, one of the Asst. Coaches on the team (It seems just about every dad can be an "Asst. Coach" if they so choose, the team has 8 of them for around 25 players!) was backing his POS Ford pickup out of a parking space. Instead of being an intelligent driver and checking the spaces behind him for other cars, the tool simply backed out until he noticed a sudden "thud" followed by a blaring car alarm. Yep! You guessed it! The "thud" was my xB!
My son and I were walking back toward the car when it happened. We both saw him hit the car, followed by my car alarm blaring and flashing wildly, as if to say, "Hey! This dumb@$$ just hit me and I didn't like it!"
After checking over his shoulder to see if anyone was looking, the Asst. Coach put his truck in drive and began to drive away, thinking no one had noticed. I immediately threw down my son's football helmet and sprinted across the parking lot. I was able to get in front of his truck before he could pull out of the parking lot and onto the street. I told him that we had seen him hit my car. His response was, "I don't know what you're talking about and don't have time for this."
After repeating myself and then telling him to get out of the truck, he began to get defiant, telling me he hit nothing.
At this point, I am furious. This has now quickly turned from a minor accident into a life-and-death situation.... for him! I walked around to the driver's side and told him, (of course, I am excluding my chosen 4-letter expletives and various references to disgusting acts involving his mother) "You have two choices. You can either get out of the truck or I am going to get you out of the truck. The second is going to be a great deal more painful for you than the first. Now get out, or else!" (...the "else" was a bit more descriptive, involving my size 12s and how far I was going to jam them in various orifices of his anatomy)
Now, Mr. Asst. Coach realizes I am not playing around. His facial expression changes from a stern, angry look, to more of an "I'm about to get my @$$ kicked" demeanor. He then tells me, "I'm going to back up over to your car," and then proceeds to do so.
After parking his truck, he got out and immediately handed me his insurance card. My son, who has been standing next to my xB, looking at the scratches, cracks and dent in the rear of the vehicle, begins to laugh. I look over at him, trying to "will" him into shutting his mouth. Unfortunately, my glare only makes him laugh harder.
After taking the Asst. Coach's insurance information, packing the football gear into the car, and inspecting the damage a little, we got into the car to go home. I asked my son what he thought was so funny. His response was classic. "I think Coach was about to pee in his pants!" he said as he started laughing again.
Apparently, my insinuation that I was going to beat him down in this parking lot in front of his kid had Mr. Asst. Coach a little shaken up. I was so angry, I hadn't paid any attention.
From here, you'd think the situation was going to be smooth from here on out. Nope!
Apparently, Mr. Asst. Coach has had a few problems with driving in his recent past. His insurance was one of a "high risk" class, with only his truck listed on the policy. This would somewhat explain his haste in leaving the scene of an accident in which he was at fault.
The next morning, I was able to get someone from his insurance company on the phone and file a claim. Everything went smoothly, or so I thought. After 24 hours had passed and I still hadn't been given any clearance to get estimates done or to have my car repaired, I began calling back to the claims department. Apparently, Mr. Asst. Coach had told his insurance company that he did NOT hit my car, but that I was just trying to get them to pay for someone else's damage.
After informing the insurance claims rep that I had witnesses and that their insured had actually tried to leave the scene without giving any information, they quickly changed their tune. They sent out an estimator and cut me an initial check for the repairs.
The next football practice, Mr. Asst. Coach actually grew enough of a set to halfway confront me about the claim. "Is my insurance taking care of you?!?" He barked angrily with a frustrated tone.
I nodded in confirmation. "I find it hard to believe that my truck hit your car, as low as it sits!" he exclaimed.
"Are you calling me a liar?" I asked.
He didn't respond. "As far as I'm concerned, this situation is over. Your insurance is covering the damage. They have accepted liability. If you have any other problems regarding this, then take it up with your insurance company. For your own sake, I highly recommend that you drop it now and let it go." I informed him.
He grumbled a little under his breath, most of which I could not understand, but I did catch the last little bit, which involved a reference to a "stupid little car." At that point, this situation began to get entertaining, as most everyone, including many of the players, parents, and half a dozen other Dads/Asst. Coaches began to take notice. "You're not very smart, are you?" I asked him. "I'm trying my best to be respectful here even though you're behaving like a worthless liar throughout this whole situation, trying to run off, then denying your involvement to your insurance company. If you keep trying to push my buttons, I am going to lose my patience with you. Unless you want me to hurt you in front of this whole team, I suggest you let it go." I stated.
He shut his fat mouth and walked off.
Unfortunately, the situation hasn't stopped yet. Instead of being an adult about this, he is now giving my 11-year-old son a difficult time on the football field, which my son says is unwarranted. According to my son, he is yelling at him specifically, even though he doesn't even assist with the offensive line ( My son primarily plays left guard, and occasionally nose guard, BTW). My son says he's ignored the idiot, but it hasn't stopped. This has gone on for a day or so now.
I sent the Head Coach, who has always seemed to be a decent person, an email informing him of my displeasure with this particular Asst. Coach and the entire situation. I asked that he resolve this situation before I do.
Is there anyone who thinks I would be out of line for pulling this dumb, fat SOB out of practice and beating the snot out of him in front of the whole team? I don't want to pull my son from the team just because this guy is an idiot, but I am not going to let this guy bully my son simply because he has an issue with me.
What do my fellow SL'ers think? What would you do?
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Old 10-24-2007, 05:21 PM
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Man, what a mess. First things first...don't hit him. And it would be best to stop threatening to do so. As much as I can understand your wanting to, it will give him reason to have YOU arrested. Even your threats could do it. I would let his insurance company handle the whole car mess.
As for the football...well, that's a different story. It sounds like you've done the right thing by letting the head coach know the situation, but I would go a step farther. I would have a talk with the school's athletic director. My son plays football (9th grade) so I can appreciate the situation that you are in. I would hate to see my son singled out because of a problem I would have with a coach. I would hope they would be adult enough not to do that, but who knows. I hope it works out for you, but be careful of the @ss-beating threats.
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Old 10-24-2007, 06:28 PM
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get a restraining order and that should stop him from coaching
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Old 10-24-2007, 06:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Sciond
get a restraining order and that should stop him from coaching
He can't just "get a restraining order" because the guy is being a jerk to his son during football practice. He should be able to get the guy repremanded or fired for it though. On the other hand, if he keeps threatening to beat the guy up, the coach could have a restraining order against him.
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Old 10-24-2007, 07:49 PM
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The situation is quite delicate considering that I do not want my son's opportunities to be jeopardized by an idiot with a complex.
The organization that he plays football for is not a school-related program even though they do practice and play on school grounds. The coaches are entirely volunteer, which is why it only takes being a parent to qualify you as an Asst. Coach. Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not complaining about our coaching staff as several of these guys are Class A individuals. The Head Coach has obviously been doing this for years and, from my understanding, had quite a college football career prior to injury.
My concern for my son's security and future with football is what is driving me in this situation. The car is being taken care of by the insurance company, but this person's behavior is ridiculous, especially for a man who is supposed to be setting an example for these boys. This is the last year that my son will be eligible to play ball in this league due to age. Their team is very talented and many of these boys, including my son, will go on to play ball for the Junior High next year. Unfortunately, if he were to quit this team or allow this moron to bully him out, more than likely, the school program will NOT pick him to play, which is certainly NOT what I want. The school and this organization are indirectly related, meaning that there is no true affiliation between the two, but the JH coaches do discuss players' histories with previous coaching staff from this organization to see if they will be reliable and committed for the entire season. After all, what coach wants a player who is just after the status of being a "football player" but doesn't really want to put in the time and effort that is required? It would be like having a player show up for the letter jacket but not be willing to ever touch the grass.
I'm not worried about this fool pursuing legal action against me any more than I am concerned that he would actually try to force this into a physical confrontation. He simply was trying to "save face" in front of his kid and the rest of the people who saw the initial incident by trying to bully me in front of others. I simply cut that avenue off.
Unfortunately, he isn't man enough to suck it up, admit he was wrong, and just go on with life.
My worry is that his nonsense will continue with my son. My son has several friends on this team, including this @$$hole's son, and I don't want the moron's behavior to jeopardize these friendships.
My other alternative, if the Head Coach doesn't resolve the issue, is to escalate it up to the board that oversees this organization. I certainly don't want to do that. I think it would only make my son's future with football in the schools more difficult.
What can ya do? It's a rotten situation with a fat coward of a man right in the middle. Would you have YOUR kid endure this sort of nonsense?
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Old 10-24-2007, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by UV7
Would you have YOUR kid endure this sort of nonsense?
Boy...that's a tough one. My son would probably choose to endure it simply because he loves football. I guess it would depend on how bad it gets for your son and wether or not you can do anything to change it. It probably bothers you more than it does your son. It can get really tricky with your kid's sports and coaches and stuff. My son started a new school two years ago and I was worried that he wouldn't get played at all because the coaches didn't know him. His first year was a little "iffy" but this year he's 1st string. If your son has a good attitude, that goes a long way with the coaches. Sometimes even more than talent.
I really hope you can get this joker straightened out. It takes a real weasel to take his issues with you out on a kid. Your season ought to soon be over...isn't it?
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Old 10-24-2007, 08:37 PM
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have your son punch him in the sack next time he yells at him, then he will go after your son which gives you a legal right to snuff his rear end, lol that was a joke obviously, guy seems like a low life after all the stuff he tried to do, i wouldnt even speak to him anymore if i were you, and tell your son to pay no mind and do what you did by just takin it up with the head coach
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Old 10-24-2007, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by matt_a
Originally Posted by Sciond
get a restraining order and that should stop him from coaching
He can't just "get a restraining order" because the guy is being a jerk to his son during football practice. He should be able to get the guy repremanded or fired for it though. On the other hand, if he keeps threatening to beat the guy up, the coach could have a restraining order against him.
yes you can if you fear for his safety.....and I would file for one
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Old 10-24-2007, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by freestyle789
have your son punch him in the sack next time he yells at him, then he will go after your son which gives you a legal right to snuff his rear end

I'd bet my son could kick the snot out of him if he caught the coach off guard. I've taught him quite a bit of self defense over the years, much of which is targeted around joint locks, submissions involving the fingers and wrists, along with some Aikido and small-circle Jiujitsu. The only problem is the weight difference. My son is certainly not small, weighing in at almost 140 lbs., but the Asst. Coach is probably bumping 250-260 lbs. easy. If tubby fell on my son, he'd flatten him like a pancake.
Hopefully, the Head Coach will put a stop to it before anything else takes place. I certainly would feel bad (well, not really) if I had to hurt an Asst. Coach for taking things too far with my son.
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Old 10-25-2007, 12:23 AM
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You should have called the police at the scene of the accident to get a police report.
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Old 10-25-2007, 12:36 AM
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^^^where i definitely agree with that here in fl at least if it's a parking lot it's generally a you two exchange info and play nice conversation(or at least it was).

i gotta tell you what this is easy for me to not having been there or knowing you or the other guy. seems to me like you may have over reacted a bit. in the sense that it's easier to catch a fly with honey idea.

as for the craptarded coach well i dunno that's a hard one as a parent. i would hope that i would be able to come up with a way of explaining about a life lesson or something if something similar should ever happen to my daughters.
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Old 10-25-2007, 12:44 AM
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tell the coach that your really sorry for "lieing and saying HE hit your car when it reallywasnt him and you will pay him back for it" lead him to a dark alley and then KILL HIM.... problem solved... OR join the teams rival that beats the snot out of them every year and make it a point to single that coach out everytime you play them, and of course beat them.
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Old 10-25-2007, 04:46 PM
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well,i know if ur son loves the activity like i love marching band, he'll put up with it. Just tell him to grow some bawls(sp ;] ) and to stop taking out on your kid. tell him if he doesn't you will take legal action and take even more money from him.

i know for a fact there is nothing u can do about it, but clearly he is not the brightest. he, i m going to assume, believes that you can sue about just about anything. scare him. dont threaten to beat him up, he can take action against that.

if u wanna actually get back at him...

slash tires
blogna or whatev on car
"pin striping"
super glue door shut

i dont reccomend those, but they do work. honestly, hes dumb, just outsmart him. get a nice legal looking document from a friend and say this is a contract from my lawyer stating that any... actaully thats not a bad idea.

if u got a lawyer friend, get him to get a document stating that you both agree to drop the case, and any discussion about it would break the contract. he signs it and you sign it. if he does anything reguarding it, and say that him harrassing your son counts, that he owes you like 10k for breaking the agreement. yes, those do agree!
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Old 10-25-2007, 10:30 PM
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some nasty smelling cheese into his heater core via fresh air intake for it
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Old 10-25-2007, 10:49 PM
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my a glock.haha jk but that is pretty whack how old is this dude? if hes older then 20 he needs to grow uppp,so immature,hope everything goes over smoothly.
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Old 10-26-2007, 08:47 AM
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This 'coach' is a bonafide loser and mentally unstable if he is taking an adult situation out on a kid. I'd say let the head coach try to handle it first. He can probably smooth things out enough to get by until junior high. If not, then you can escalate it up the chain to the league. If they don't handle it swiftly, which I'm sure they will since it involves an adult and a child, I'd ask your local sherrif's office what can be done to guarantee your childs safety. Good luck... it's a tough situation to be in.

EDIT: But by no means should you engage in verbal or physical confrontation with this person. You've already warned him off, that's good enough.
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Old 10-26-2007, 01:21 PM
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The situation seems to have "smoothed" over a bit. Apparently, early at yesterday's practice, Bigmouth barked a little at my son again after one of the DTs managed to get to the QB during a play. The DT that got through wasn't even on my son's side, but he barked anyway. My son told him, quite loudly from what I was told, "Dude, if you don't shut up and leave me alone, I'm going to tell my dad that you're bothering me for no reason!"
One of the other players made a comment to Bigmouth's son, "Man, your dad's an @$$hole!"
The whole huddle started to laugh uncontrollably. The Head Coach then pulled Bigmouth off to the side and made the entire team run laps for cutting up. After their laps, Bigmouth never opened his mouth again, from what my son said.
After practice, when they had a little "pep rally" for the upcoming playoffs, Bigmouth did everything he could to stay as far away from my son as possible. During the "pep rally," the players were given water balloons to throw at the coaches. Zack said the only one he aimed at was Bigmouth! He certainly felt better after that!
Hopefully, this will be ending here. I should have my car back from paint tomorrow. No more rental car (which has been a nightmare in itself; I HATE Cobalts!) and no more nonsense with the Asst. Coach. ...just smooth sailin' to the Super Bowl.
Thanks for all the advice, guys. I appreciate it!
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Old 10-26-2007, 01:31 PM
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I was in a situation where somebody backed in to me, I didn't confront the person, I simply took down the licence number. There wasn't much damage just a small scratch in the bumper (this was in my old POS sentra) but the person hit me and flicked me off. I filled a hit and run report. A police report is very important when it comes to accidents. It eliminates he said she said.
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