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Old 03-29-2007, 12:47 PM
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"relocating" your own shoulders after they pop out .

tattooed collar bones

tattooed rib cage

broken collar bone

having your feet feel like they're about to explode after a ruck sack march and all you can do is walk around cause if you stop they'll cramp up.
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Old 03-29-2007, 01:13 PM
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Originally Posted by ilovemytC
Originally Posted by krustytheclown
PM pics.

do you ogrish?
Well thats neither here nor there, and I would appreciate you not asking about my personal business.
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Old 03-29-2007, 01:30 PM
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3 years old - climbed into the attic and jumped out, broke both clavicles

5 years old - was swingin on a swingset and jumped out of the seat in the air and landed on my side on a sewer grate, broke right arm

6 years old - head on go cart collision, concussion

9 years old - split my head open on the corner of a coffee table, 14 stitches

13 years old - razor scooter on kinked rail at the skatepark (stole one of their scooters to make fun of em) broken left arm

14 years old - skateboarding, left wrist is broken

17 years old - motocross, broke my femur in two places and my ankle in 3 was in december i just remember shivering really really bad, then blackin out and getting airlifted to the hospital 35 minutes away. have a rod in my leg with 3 screws and now have two screws in my ankle i got my x-rays framed along with my moto gear that was cut off of me

19 years old - broken pinky toe

i have a whole lotta broke bones and had a WHOLE lotta hospital bills, it cost 70 thousand to ride in the damn helicopter and i didnt even get to enjoy the view
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Old 03-29-2007, 02:21 PM
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Ok see then people wonder why I call guys idiotic.
Look how many injuries you boyz got and look at us girls (ilovemytc excluded ) so just me left

You all seriously need someone to watch over you this is nuts
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Old 03-29-2007, 02:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Neothin
my worst looking injury would be this-

that was a result of this-

wasnt too painful though. i just looked pretty.

The worst pain-wise was when i broke my collar bone in 3 places. I was playing rugby, had the ball, tucked down to drive into someone and their head smashed into my collarbone. like i said, 3 fractures, and 2 of the pieces actually started to poke up out of the skin. Before reseting the bones, i just kinda laid there on the ground in no pain whatsoever. I knew that it was broke though.. 20 minutes later the paramedic showed up and it was time to reset the bones. they gave me a stick to bite down on, counted to 3 (bastards did it @ 2 so i wouldnt expect it!), and i screamed for 2 seconds and passed out. it felt HORRIBLE.

im all good now though
OMFG you got pwnt. good to see that that healed up.
damn i burnt my sandwich in the toaster this morning and boy that does not compare to your pain.
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Old 03-29-2007, 03:01 PM
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i hate to say it, but tc4italy is right. this thread is filled with stories of broken bones, burns, smashed thumbs, swollen *********, and all types of pain courtesy of us guys.
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Old 03-29-2007, 03:52 PM
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Originally Posted by randomsuper
i hate to say it, but tc4italy is right. this thread is filled with stories of broken bones, burns, smashed thumbs, swollen *********, and all types of pain courtesy of us guys.

But it's all for the glory of impressing friends, GIRLS, ourselves. except for maybe swelling a ********. I'm pretty sure none of us would voluntarily submit to that one.

"Wounds heal, chicks dig scars, pride is forever" someone more famous than myself
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Old 03-29-2007, 04:05 PM
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couldnt have said it better myself bro. i know very many chicks dig the cars, and i wouldnt take back any of those injuries...puttin spinners hubcaps on wheelchair, showing my scars, chillin in the hospital...screw it. wouldnt change it, im proud of my injuries and so were/are my padnuhs
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Old 03-29-2007, 04:37 PM
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Well scars are hot. But only idiotic chicks enjoy guys in pain
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Old 03-29-2007, 04:43 PM
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getting injured to impress a girl is lame imo.
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:07 PM
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i never said i hurt myself BECAUSE of the girl....not like "dude see that chick over there, im a go break something then maybe she'll want me"

not like that
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:16 PM
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:17 PM
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I fell runnin up the stairs yest i got a big black bruise on me knee :D
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:39 PM
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oh ok. i was thinking you were on some harcore emo cut yourself type trip. my mistake.
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Old 03-29-2007, 05:55 PM
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no prob, im nowhere near emo
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Old 03-29-2007, 06:04 PM
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post pics to prove
BB topic boys n boxes :D
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Old 03-29-2007, 06:37 PM
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4th grade: day before the last day of school we had this "field day" thing, where everyone played games. We were playing kickball, and I kicked the ball and went running to first base. Some kid threw the ball at the back of my heel while I was running, threw me off balance, full weight came down on my left arm. The bone in my arm on the side where my pinky finger is snapped completely in half, the one on the thumb side was barely hangin on there... i mean BARELY. Went into the nurses office, and she said it was probably a sprain to go out for our next sport,...... which was *drumroll* VOLLEYBALL. I kept saying "no call my mom... call my mom.... call my mom....". She finally did, and that's when we went to the hospital and found what happened. Oddly enough until the bone was set the only sharp pain I had was right when I hit the pavement. After that it didn't hurt until they set my arm... which hurt like a biotch. My mom to this day still does not believe the nurse told me "oh it's just a sprain".

6th grade: Summertime. Sister got stung by a bee and decided she wanted a hot dog.. there was a vender not even a block from my dad's house. I got on my bike and rode down, got her a hot dog and went to go back to my dad's. Bees started swarming around me, and while I was trying to swat them away I lost my balance, flew up over the handlebars, and my left middle finger went straight on into a curb. Broke my finger right below the top knuckle, pinched a bunch of nerves and tore my tendon a bit. NOTHING stopped the pain. I had my index,middle, and ring fingers in a bowl of ice while we were waiting for my mom, both my index and ring finger were numb as heck, still had REALLY sharp pain in my middle finger. Hey at the time it was cool after the intense pain was gone because I had an excuse to flip people off.

November 2005: after having really bad abdominal pain for months on end... bad enough I couldn't function unless I was on pain killers, I went into my doctor because I couldn't take teh pain anymore. She had me go for an ultrasound and didn't find anything, and tried to chalk it up to depression... I wanted to punch her. Went to another doctor, and after some tests it was determined that I needed an abdominal laproscopic surgery since they couldn't find the source of the pain. Turned out my left ovary was attatched to my pelvic side wall by an adhesion (which for those who don't know, it's a band of scar tissue kinda like a ligament or something). There was NO room for movement at all... so any time I coughed, sneezed, laughed, or moved the wrong way the adhesion was basically yanking on my insides. They cut the adhesion.

The surgery however... was not fun. I'd have to say THAT was the worst pain I'd felt... not only with my abdominal area, but when they do a laproscopic surgery they fill you up with gas so they can move the surgical instruments around (along with your insides) easier. They can't get all the gas out usually... so sometimes you get a gas bubble or something that hits a nerve just right... and you get this HORRIBLE stabbing pain that shoots into your shoulder/neck area.

At the time my sister and neice lived with us, and her (now) husband was supposed to take them out after my surgery so I could relax... but they didn't go out. My brother in law has one of those INCREDIBLY contageous laughs... ya know the ones you can't help but laugh when they do? Well they asked me what I wanted to watch on TV, and the only thing on was Malcom in the Middle... my bro in law LOVES that show... the episode was on where the kids sneak out and put balloons on their pillows for their heads so the dad doesn't realize they're gone... and the dad comes in and goes to kiss one of the kids on the head and the balloon explodes and he starts screaming like a little girl...............

bad idea. My bro in law starts laughing uncontrollably... as do I... it hurt SOOOO bad. I wanted to kill him... well not really... but yeah. It went into one of those things where I was laughing because he was laughing, and he was laughing because I was laughing. He later stated he didn't know which was funnier... the balloon exploding or me trying not to laugh because it hurt so bad. The remaining anesthesia nor the 750mg of Vicodin I took even began to mask the pain.

Oh and back in 99 I went to Ozzfest and got thrown into a mosh pit against my will. I remember getting thrown in, and getting out of the most pit, but nothing in the middle... except when I finally got out my friends' jaws were all but on the ground. They went "omg are you ok?" I said "i think so..."

Ended up bruising my ribs. Knowing how badly even bruised ribs are, I can't imagine how bad it must be having your ribs broken... and I wonder... if you have to have surgery and they have to crack your chest open... that's gotta be like the worst pain ever... I'd think

Yes I'm a chick... and I've got to lay off the coffee... I'm done now lol.
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Old 03-29-2007, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by FallenAngel
4th grade: day before the last day of school we had this "field day" thing, where everyone played games. We were playing kickball, and I kicked the ball and went running to first base. Some kid threw the ball at the back of my heel while I was running, threw me off balance, full weight came down on my left arm. The bone in my arm on the side where my pinky finger is snapped completely in half, the one on the thumb side was barely hangin on there... i mean BARELY. Went into the nurses office, and she said it was probably a sprain to go out for our next sport,...... which was *drumroll* VOLLEYBALL. I kept saying "no call my mom... call my mom.... call my mom....". She finally did, and that's when we went to the hospital and found what happened. Oddly enough until the bone was set the only sharp pain I had was right when I hit the pavement. After that it didn't hurt until they set my arm... which hurt like a biotch. My mom to this day still does not believe the nurse told me "oh it's just a sprain".

6th grade: Summertime. Sister got stung by a bee and decided she wanted a hot dog.. there was a vender not even a block from my dad's house. I got on my bike and rode down, got her a hot dog and went to go back to my dad's. Bees started swarming around me, and while I was trying to swat them away I lost my balance, flew up over the handlebars, and my left middle finger went straight on into a curb. Broke my finger right below the top knuckle, pinched a bunch of nerves and tore my tendon a bit. NOTHING stopped the pain. I had my index,middle, and ring fingers in a bowl of ice while we were waiting for my mom, both my index and ring finger were numb as heck, still had REALLY sharp pain in my middle finger. Hey at the time it was cool after the intense pain was gone because I had an excuse to flip people off.

November 2005: after having really bad abdominal pain for months on end... bad enough I couldn't function unless I was on pain killers, I went into my doctor because I couldn't take teh pain anymore. She had me go for an ultrasound and didn't find anything, and tried to chalk it up to depression... I wanted to punch her. Went to another doctor, and after some tests it was determined that I needed an abdominal laproscopic surgery since they couldn't find the source of the pain. Turned out my left ovary was attatched to my pelvic side wall by an adhesion (which for those who don't know, it's a band of scar tissue kinda like a ligament or something). There was NO room for movement at all... so any time I coughed, sneezed, laughed, or moved the wrong way the adhesion was basically yanking on my insides. They cut the adhesion.

The surgery however... was not fun. I'd have to say THAT was the worst pain I'd felt... not only with my abdominal area, but when they do a laproscopic surgery they fill you up with gas so they can move the surgical instruments around (along with your insides) easier. They can't get all the gas out usually... so sometimes you get a gas bubble or something that hits a nerve just right... and you get this HORRIBLE stabbing pain that shoots into your shoulder/neck area.

At the time my sister and neice lived with us, and her (now) husband was supposed to take them out after my surgery so I could relax... but they didn't go out. My brother in law has one of those INCREDIBLY contageous laughs... ya know the ones you can't help but laugh when they do? Well they asked me what I wanted to watch on TV, and the only thing on was Malcom in the Middle... my bro in law LOVES that show... the episode was on where the kids sneak out and put balloons on their pillows for their heads so the dad doesn't realize they're gone... and the dad comes in and goes to kiss one of the kids on the head and the balloon explodes and he starts screaming like a little girl...............

bad idea. My bro in law starts laughing uncontrollably... as do I... it hurt SOOOO bad. I wanted to kill him... well not really... but yeah. It went into one of those things where I was laughing because he was laughing, and he was laughing because I was laughing. He later stated he didn't know which was funnier... the balloon exploding or me trying not to laugh because it hurt so bad. The remaining anesthesia nor the 750mg of Vicodin I took even began to mask the pain.

Oh and back in 99 I went to Ozzfest and got thrown into a mosh pit against my will. I remember getting thrown in, and getting out of the most pit, but nothing in the middle... except when I finally got out my friends' jaws were all but on the ground. They went "omg are you ok?" I said "i think so..."

Ended up bruising my ribs. Knowing how badly even bruised ribs are, I can't imagine how bad it must be having your ribs broken... and I wonder... if you have to have surgery and they have to crack your chest open... that's gotta be like the worst pain ever... I'd think

Yes I'm a chick... and I've got to lay off the coffee... I'm done now lol.
Thanks for ruining my dialogue of before

naw just kidding girl ;)

anyway ribs usually are not touched but left alone to heal
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Old 03-29-2007, 06:53 PM
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bah.. medical bills costing thousands... meh.

lets just say in 11 hours (crashed @ 2am roughly, left the hospital around 1pm the same day) i racked up around 400,000 in bills *sigh* the airlift was more than 1/4 of the cost (around 125k for a 30 minute flight)

EDIT: hahhaha that's $70 per second hahaha
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Old 03-29-2007, 06:57 PM
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that's ridiculous....
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