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Old 12-22-2006, 11:41 PM
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Default Ascension By-Laws!

Finally I had some time to clean off my desk and rather than send out 14 copies to all the folks who requested them I figured I would just post these here.

Keep in mind, this is our first copy and as the year goes on we'll be making adjustments and changes as needed, but for all of you who want to see the by laws, here they are!


Objective in plain terms

We are a growing group of automotive enthusiasts who want to celebrate our love of cars. We also want to acknowledge where we came from and where we are going and will make every effort to ‘leave it better than we found it’ by participating in community events, shows and presenting a professional classy image of the new face of tuning.

Above all, we are a show team dedicated to proving our members might, skill and savvy in the import tuning community. We are innovative, leading edge and wild in our execution and our goal is to bring home as many awards as possible while opening the public eye to a culture and community often mistaken as dangerous, illicit, and many times illegal. That's not us and we're going to prove it.

We plan, with your help, to ASCEND to the next level and prove we have what it takes in the show, on the track, and in the community!

Section 1


1. Membership shall be free to all interested parties

2. Membership will only be granted to those aged 16 and over.

3. Voting rights will be granted to those members who complete attendance in 1 meet and greet, one event other than a meet and greet, and one event of your choosing.

4. Membership is retained by attending 4 events per year or making contact with the board to let us know how you are doing at a minimum of 6 times per year.

5. ALL MEMBERS’ VOTES COUNT EQUALLY, regardless of rank or office.

6. Membership cannot be denied to anyone who abides by the outlined rules and completes the membership requirement.

7. We are a club with a primary focus on the Scion, Lexus and Toyota brands. We specialize in Scion, Lexus and Toyota but welcome all makes and models.

8. Membership is open to ALL automotive enthusiasts regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, income, make or model or your car or even lack of car.

9. You must attend at least one event per quarter or make contact with someone on the board to let us know you are alive. Participation is not required but highly encouraged and rewarded.

10. You can be a member of another club; however, if you hold an office in that club, you will not be eligible to hold office with Ascension until you no longer hold an office with any other club. We also remind you that we are dedicated to you. We want you to use us to go as far as you can, however, we ask in return you show the same dedication to us. If you can handle being in more than one club, we wont stop you!


1. Officers shall be voted on by all members.

2. Officers will be required to attend no less than one event per quarter and produce one event per year for a charitable cause and one event for the club.

3. The President will effectively run the monthly meeting, oversee all aspects of club operation, and foster a positive image of the club in the local community and the enthusiast community.
3.1 The Vice president will assume the presidents duties in the event of an absence or step down until a new president is elected by the club.
3.2 The Vice president will be the community and membership liaison between the community, board and membership.
3.3 The secretary will record all minutes at all official meetings
3.4 The office of the secretary will also oversee the completion of a scrapbook, a newsletter and all printer materials for the club or a show.
3.5 The office of treasurer will be responsible for all financial transactions within the club.
3.6 The office of treasurer is a nomination and approved office. To serve as treasurer, you must have at least two years membership in the club and must be approved 100% by the board of directors and must carry 2/3 of the popular vote.


1 All financial transactions will be conducted in an official manner. The will be no tolerance for illegal or ‘grey’ transactions of any type for any reason.
2 A written ledger will be kept at all times and will be available at any reasonable time for any member to view, regardless of status. This book will also be brought to the monthly meeting and will be available for all to see.
3 Any and all monies spent by the club need to be approved by at least two officers and one general member.
4 A record of all transactions involving club money will be required and will also be photocopied and included in the ledger for all to review if desired.
5 Any amount to be spent over $200.00 will require a 2/3 vote of the active membership to pass.

General Conduct

1. There will be zero tolerance of the following actions: Street racing, Driving While Intoxicated, Driving under the Influence, use or sale or known procession of drugs at a club event, use or possession of weapons with intent to harm at a club sanctioned event, willful destruction of private or public property, or theft or destruction of club property.
1.1 If any member is caught in any of the above actions or the board can suspend and or terminate membership unconditionally.
1.2 Any member expelled or suspended for the above actions cannot petition for reinstatement for a period of no less than 2 years.

2. For minor offenses including but not limited to: unsanctioned burnouts of ‘drifts’, unprofessional behavior at sanctioned events, unprofessional actions towards another member, club, or organization, etc… there will be a 3 strikes = trial rule.
2.1 For three documented offenses, you will be asked to defend your actions in front of three club members who will determine if you stay or go. You will have the opportunity to pick anyone you choose as one of the ‘jury’ the other two will be members of the board of directors. You must get two of the jurors to give you one more chance
2.2 In the event you cannot get a 2/3 vote from the review board, your membership will be suspended for no less than 6 months.
2.3 In the event a 2/3 consensus is reached, your membership will placed on probation with the next offense in the next 6 months ( or longer as the board sees fit) resulting in immediate discharge from the club.
2.4 You will conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times at all shows, events, demonstrations and gatherings. We want to look as good as you do in the public eye!
2.5 At all shows and track events, you will hold the events rules above any others. Conducting yourself in a manner respectful to the intention of the event and enjoy every moment of it!
2.6 During all drives, driving events and events that require any driving what so ever, you must at all times follow all rules of law.
2.7 You must possess at all times while in the operation of a motor vehicle: a license in good standing and proof of the required insurance.
2.8 We care about our members and ask that they wear a seat belt at all times when a car in motion.


The Ranking System

1. If you choose to participate in a show, there will be a system in place to ensure everyone gets as much ‘front time’ as deserved. We will use the NCCA handbook to judge and rank each car at a ranking session at least but not limited to twice a year in order to determine your Ascension Show Rank. The judges will be a board member, a member of the team that you select and a member of the team the board selects. Your score will be a total of all three judges score sheets.
2. You can at any time in the year, (after a large upgrade a change in set up, etc..) challenge your rank and be re-judged to reflect your new mods. In this light, we hope you continue to evolve and move forward with your car.
3. Most but not all shows will feature the top ranked cars in front. HOWEVER, everyone in the club will be welcome to be the point car at some time in the year. Even rookies need experience and the only way to get it is to get out there!

1. At all shows you must try to represent Ascension as best you can.
2. Your position at a show will be determined by your club ‘rank’ that will have been pre-determined at a judging party.
3. Have as much fun as possible and help your team mates. If they need help cleaning their car, pitch in!
Keep the team area as clean and neat as possible. A lot of people are watching and we want to present and awesome image!

Shows Rank System:
1st place – 10 points
2nd place – 5 points
3rd place – 3 points
Participation – 1 point
Best in Show – 15 points
Other Trophy (any category) - 5 points
Participation on a trophy winning team – 10 points per team award (best team quality, quantity, representation etc..)
Out of state show – 20 points
Out of Country show – 25 points

1. Track safety above all
2. Don’t drag yourself down to the level of a sore looser
3. Be professional!
4. GO FAST!!!

Racing Rank

Your racing rank will be based on two things, wins or placements for downhill, auto x and all other forms of race except drag. Or, in the case of drag racing, ‘kill rings’.

For all methods except drag racing, a confirmed top 10 finish will earn you points as outlined:

1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 5 points
3rd place = 4 points
4th place = 3 points
5th place = 2 points
6th – 10th = 1 point

Drag Races:
Class win – 10 points
2nd place – 5 points
3rd place – 3 points
Heat win – 1 point
Participation – 1 point

You can carry both a drag and a motor sport ranking.

Satellite chapters.

This section will address any specific needs or other rules specific to a satellite chapter.

1. Satellite chapters will only have a Vice President until they reach 10 members, then they will have a full compliment off officers less a treasurer.
2. The Vice President of a satellite chapter will run that chapter as he or she sees fit within the operating guidelines and rules set forth by the board.
3. Any rule addition or subtraction at a satellite chapter level must pass 100% board approval after passing 100% membership approval in the satellite chapter.
4. Any money collected at a satellite chapter will need to be turned over within 10 working days of collection to a board member. There will also need to be full accountability of all money. If you sell something, there needs to be a copy of the receipt, if you buy something, there needs to be a piece of documentation showing purchase.
5. Satellite chapters are required to meet at least once a month
6. Satellite chapters are required to turn in new member lists every month regardless of any changes or lack thereof.
7. The satellite chapter Vice President must at all times keep an up to date record of each of their chapters’ members’ phone numbers and either an e-mail address or a snail mail address.


Each member will carry a rank within the club based on experience. It doesn’t really mean anything but we thought it would be fun to reward those who have put the time and dedication in.

Your rank will be reset each year with you earning a stripe based on your rank each year.


Chrome: 150 points or more
Gold: 75 - 150
Silver: 50-75 points
Bronze: 25- 50 points
White: 10- 25 points
Green: 0 – 10 points

You can earn points based on:

Meet and Greets – 1 point per meet
Education Days – 5 points per time
BBQ – 1 point
Non – car activity – 3 points
Charity event – 20 points
Other award for club related activities – 10 points
Media recognition – 10 points
Member of the Month - 15 points
Set up and execution of any event – 15 points
Hold Office – 10 points
SCAA award – 10 points per award
Refer a new member: 5 points

Dyno proven hp (one time points unless there is a hp change)
+5 above stock – 5 points
+10 above stock – 10 points
+11 – 20 above stock – 15 points
+21 – 35 above stock - 20 points
+36 – 59 above stock – 30 points
+60 – 100 above stock – 40 points
+ 100 – 150 above stock – 50 points
Over 1000 hp = 200 points
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:51 PM
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wow, lot of spelling errors.. lol but I keep trying to nab them as I see them.

Feel free to post any questions or PM me!
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Old 12-22-2006, 11:56 PM
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oooo now I'm excited get me a decal asap so I can STRIP the others lol. I haven't done it yet because I need the extra HP they give me for points.
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Old 12-23-2006, 12:08 AM
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Originally Posted by zinker
oooo now I'm excited get me a decal asap so I can STRIP the others .....

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Old 12-23-2006, 12:18 AM
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Sorry but mmmmmm the reasons I joined are gone maybe I'll be both
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Old 12-23-2006, 01:45 AM
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i dont think you can be part of both clubs since they are both around scion's and stuff
But anyways dustin we still need to get togather and chat.
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Old 12-23-2006, 01:50 AM
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You are welcome to be in as many other clubs as you want when a member of Ascension, we are just here to kick tail and take names!

Brad - you have PM
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Old 12-23-2006, 02:18 AM
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hmm interesting, now i have a few thoughts.

so dustin what does a person do if they want to be in, but do NOT want to be ranked?
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Old 12-23-2006, 02:23 AM
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are these strips like stickers in the window of the car...or just on paper? just cuz im curious and i dont think i read it anywhers.
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Old 12-23-2006, 02:30 AM
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thats just a for fun idea that we came up with. some people like working towards a goal, others, not so much. thats why for those that want to, its just a fun little extra competition to see how high you can get.

as for the stripes, they are for your shirt and/or for your window.

Like I said, a lot pf people expressed an interest so we thought we would try it for a while!
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Old 12-23-2006, 02:53 AM
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As Ascension is not a Scion-exclusive club, other Scion club rules do not rule out being members of both at this time.

Tom <=== unaffiliated
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Old 12-23-2006, 04:23 AM
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dustin, i might call you tomorrow if i have time, i have a few other concerns but i dont feel they need to be expressed publically
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Old 12-23-2006, 06:11 AM
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I pretty sure but do the points start from the day you joined?
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Old 12-23-2006, 05:12 PM
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I started readingt he by laws last night and as an unbaised observer I think that they are more than fair and in very good taste. And seeing how this is not a Scion exclusive club, it would appear that you could be in both clubs at the same time.

Since from reading the bylaws of SE it says and I quote "you cannot belong to another Scion exclusive club"

And since there is no initian fee it would not appear to exist exclusivly for the fullfillment of Scion alone, and removes the exclusivity as well.

So welcome Team Asenscion I look forward to assitin you in the coming year as well as SE people.


I aplaud you all
Old 12-30-2006, 10:29 PM
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much love from the midwest brotha. I read through them all and it looks legit and fair, and kind of fun! perhaps we should have bylaws . . . ;)
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Old 12-31-2006, 03:10 AM
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we've just found it helps if there ever is a problem, plus we have a not-for-profit status with the state of washington so there are certain things we need to clearly state.

thanks for the good words!
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