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Those who want a supercharger by April..not gonna happen SRY

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Old 03-11-2005, 06:07 AM
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Exactly what I am saying suby2scion. Exactly. Did you read that Davo345? By the way I knew what your intentions were, you said it earlier. And well I'm at it, it doesnt matter if it is a big company like Toyota, if you are expecting them to have a big banner on their site telling you about a delay, you are sadly expecting too much. No company will do that. ESPECIALLY a big one like Toyota. It has nothing to do with treating you with respect, just as I said before and suby2scion also said, you havent even paid for the car yet. They dont owe you a damn thing. Far as the warranty, if you ever get your tC w/ SC and have your lil warranty in place, thinking you are bad ___ @ 200 - 250 hp, I'll be the guy in the tC blowing by your @$$ in my turbocharged and otherwise modded ride. Is the warranty good? Of course. Is it important? To many people, yes it is. But if you want a fast car that really performs than you should know from the beginning the warranty is out the door. Serious tuners dont give a crap about the warranty. Cause guess what? You go forced induction, you start a chain of Intercooler / Clutch / ShortThrow / Braking / etc., and at some point you will want or need something that will be aftermarket and not covered under warranty. You want warranty? Stay stock. Cars that come modified from the dealer are always a joke next to the cars that people tune themselves. My tC will be more limited edition than anything Toyota will bring out. SC or otherwise. I always say, go big or go home. And as far as customers backing out, just look at how many people had to wait for their tC. And how many waited longer than they were told. For every customer who backed out (which by the number of people who post saying they finally got their tC, I would say is very few) another customer took their place. They arent losing potential anything.
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Old 03-11-2005, 06:42 AM
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Word up! So true...

I think a major part of this is the basic impatience that younger people have nowadays. Sorry to lump everyone together, I'm sure there are some of us older folks that are waiting impatiently as well but it's this "fast food" mentality where "I want it and I want it now!" is so commonplace.

Take a look at the thread on the age of tC drivers..looks like the average is about 22 or so... That's not a bad thing, afterall it's what Scion wanted But my guess is many of the tC owners have made their first big purchase on this car and so they expect so much more in return. And all of these emails to Scion/Toyota are worthless. It's just tying them up and it's not going to speed things up at all. This isn't like calling Domino's because your pizza showed up after the 30 minutes they promised...

I can't even count how many video games, movies, concerts, albums, etc.. have been delayed in my lifetime. yeah, i was not always happy about it but in th ened I ususally got what I waited for...ever heard "good things come to those who wait?"

What's the rush? The tC came out last August didn't it? And how many of you waiting so badly for the s/c have already upgraded your tires? Your brakes? Suspension? Or is it all about saying "I have a supercharger!"

Come on, there's already tons of threads on here about whether or not we can have blow-off valves and/or FMIC to go along with our shiny new s/c's. Becuase we all know how COOl it is to have those. Really, if you want to mod your tC for power, screw the warranty and go ***** out.

Now for the record, I am considering the s/c but I'm in no hurry. I really like my tC and I already got my power fix with my old WRX.
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Old 03-11-2005, 06:54 AM
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[quote="suby2scion"]What the hell is wrong with you guys? yeah, it's a bummer if the s/c is delayed but c' it's been said already a million times, things come up! This is the EPA's issue...not Toyota's. You try dealing with the government..

Ummm not really. If I am told by the dealership that the sc will be out by the end of the year (this past year) then I expect it to come out. But okay fine maybe the dealer jumped the gun. When I read that the VP of Toyota says that a sc version of the tC will be out this spring then I definitely expect it to happen. I'm pretty sure that Toyota is well versed in the workings of the EPA and should factor in delays in approval before announcing a release date.

Everything these days has to be now now now! And then you act as if Toyota owes you something. You paid $17,000 for a kick ___ aren't happy with it? Then sell it and get yourself a friggin Saturn ion red line if a s/c is so important to you.

Huh? If a company (esp. one as large as Toyota) says they will do something at a certain time then I expect it to happen. Is this important enough to lose sleep over? No Am I disappointed that they didn't do what they said they would? Yes
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Old 03-11-2005, 07:14 AM
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#1. I'm sure that if Toyota had it their way the s/c would be out...they want the money, it's not like this is all a big conspiracy and it's done on purpose just to ____ little 'ol you off. If you guys want to send emails, send them to the EPA and see what kind of respose you get. yeah right!

#2. Since when do you believe what dealers tell you? We know more than they do. Every car dealership I've been to is full of people who know less about the cars than my friends and I do. We are Scion enthusiasts. We sit here and talk about them all the time and share info.. they just sell 'em. I was at a dealership yesterday talking to a salesguy and he didn't know about the tC/xA/xB settings on the Scion stereo, this website or any other Scion sites for that matter, the tC RS 1.0 and a whole bunch of other stuff that I taught HIM about. I've been to 3 different Scion dealerships this week (they are all having promo events with a local radio station...giveaways, raffles, etc..) and every guy I've talked to at these places knows way less than they should and their paychecks depend on it. I'm just a geek who loves my car! Maybe I should sell Scions...hmmmm...

#3. "When I read that the VP of Toyota says that a sc version of the tC will be out this spring then I definitely expect it to happen" Why? Do you own stock in Toyota? This happens ALL THE TIME IN BUSINESS MY FRIEND. You expect a huge company of Toyota's size to not have delays...ok...ever heard of Microsoft? Get used to it, it's called life. Just wait until you have kids one day and they want it now daddy!! I hope that you have a flash back to this very moment and all of a sudden it all makes

#4. Just because we EXPECT something to happen does not mean it will. Now we can do two things here: 1- keep _____ing and complaining and emailing the poor people at Scion who have no control over this or 2- WAIT...keep saving $$, do other mods in preparation for the s/c install, keep sharing tips and info on our cars and get ready for the big day.

Man, all this build up is going to lead to a big let down when it's all said and done.

If you guys have an extra $3,000 burning a hole in your pockets so bad, send some this way...I need new tires!
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Old 03-11-2005, 07:50 AM
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[quote="suby2scion"]#1. I'm sure that if Toyota had it their way the s/c would be out...they want the money, it's not like this is all a big conspiracy and it's done on purpose just to ____ little 'ol you off. If you guys want to send emails, send them to the EPA and see what kind of respose you get. yeah right!

Lol. Conspiracy? ____ little old me off? Maybe you need to read my post again. Send an email to the EPA? Lol again. If one of your employees comes in late and says he's late because he had to catch the bus do you send an email to the bus company or is it the employee's fault for not taking travel time into consideration?

#2. Since when do you believe what dealers tell you? We know more than they do. Every car dealership I've been to is full of people who know less about the cars than my friends and I do. We are Scion enthusiasts. We sit here and talk about them all the time and share info.. they just sell 'em. I was at a dealership yesterday talking to a salesguy and he didn't know about the tC/xA/xB settings on the Scion stereo, this website or any other Scion sites for that matter, the tC RS 1.0 and a whole bunch of other stuff that I taught HIM about. I've been to 3 different Scion dealerships this week (they are all having promo events with a local radio station...giveaways, raffles, etc..) and every guy I've talked to at these places knows way less than they should and their paychecks depend on it. I'm just a geek who loves my car! Maybe I should sell Scions...hmmmm...

Hmmmmm maybe. I totally agree that most salespersons have very limited knowledge. Sad but true. I was told by the gm of the dealership that it would be available and even though he may have been talking through his butt, he does after all represent the company. But that is neither here nor there as I wasn't very disappointed when the sc didn't come out at the end of the year.

#3. "When I read that the VP of Toyota says that a sc version of the tC will be out this spring then I definitely expect it to happen" Why? Do you own stock in Toyota? This happens ALL THE TIME IN BUSINESS MY FRIEND. get used to it, it's called life. Just wait until you have kids one day and they want it now daddy!! I hope that you have a flash back to this very moment and all of a sudden it all makes

ROTFLMAO Really? It happens all the time? That an officers of a major corporations makes a public statements that are false? All the time? wow Oh and I do have a son so no flashback needed. Btw, what is the relevence?

#4. Just because we EXPECT something to happen does not mean it will. Now we can do two things here: 1- keep _____ing and complaining and emailing the poor people at Scion who have no control over this or 2- WAIT...keep saving $$, do other mods in preparation for the s/c install, keep sharing tips and info on our cars and get ready for the big day.

True that the person at Scion reading your email have no control over the situation but it is definitely a constructive way to inform a company of how they are doing. Any large company would be plain stupid not to take the feedback that they get from their customers to heart. Granted that they are a very large corporation but I can tell you that I have mailed/emailed companies and gotten some surprising responses. About #2....yup that's what I plan to do.
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Old 03-11-2005, 03:03 PM
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Reply from Scion about my e-mail:

Thank you for contacting Scion.

It is through communications such as yours that we become aware of the
reactions and expectations of our customers and we appreciate your
feedback. We apologize, but the release of the TRD supercharger has been
postponed until the fall of this year. We apologize for any
inconvenience that this may have caused.

Please feel free to contact us should you have any further questions or
comments. We would be happy to assist you. You may contact us
directly at 1-866-70-SCION or by email at

You may also want to click on the following link for

Thank you for your interest in Scion.

Scion Customer Experience
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Old 03-11-2005, 03:11 PM
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I am dissapointed, but will wait. I bought the car because I liked the car... the extra factory goodies just added to it. I do agree that they should have put a realistic expectation out. When dealing with the politics (and that is the biggest part) of meeting emissions standards, they should have known it would take forever and should have just said, we are waiting on it and have no solid date. But that is my only issue with the way toyota handled it. Anyone in here who has worked in or ran an auto shop knows the kind of political bs the government pulls via the EPA. They take their precious time with everything. I will be patient and start working with the parts that are already out. In the meantime I will start on my custom boxes and sound system :-)
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Old 03-11-2005, 05:47 PM
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"If so, you suck as a human being. "


That quote above was about the funniest thing I have read all week. For the record I wouldn't hate you though, I don't give a damn what you do with any of your cars. If it makes you happy then great, I am happy for you and your car. All I am gonna say is 2 things; First, your Footlocker reference was a bad one, because in that case you would be looking at a product on the shelf that you could buy now, unlike the supercharger. Try again. And second, all I want you and people like tC808 to understand once and for all is, just like suby2scion said, these things HAPPEN ALL THE TIME IN BUSINESS!!!! Why cant you guys understand and accept that? It's called reality. My whole point here was that you people are showing real immaturity by whining and complaining. Are you all really just 9 year olds? Yes Representatives of big companies make false promises and statements. And they do it knowing its not true. Almost ALL LARGE COMPANIES OPERATE THIS WAY. IT"S CALLED AMERICA. I give up now. You people are hopeless. Don't bother suby2scion, they wont listen. Let them keep whining amongst each other. In the meantime I'll be driving my tC, and I'll be happier for it.
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Old 03-11-2005, 06:55 PM
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Originally Posted by flintTC324
"If so, you suck as a human being. "


That quote above was about the funniest thing I have read all week. For the record I wouldn't hate you though, I don't give a damn what you do with any of your cars. If it makes you happy then great, I am happy for you and your car. All I am gonna say is 2 things; First, your Footlocker reference was a bad one, because in that case you would be looking at a product on the shelf that you could buy now, unlike the supercharger. Try again. And second, all I want you and people like tC808 to understand once and for all is, just like suby2scion said, these things HAPPEN ALL THE TIME IN BUSINESS!!!! Why cant you guys understand and accept that? It's called reality. My whole point here was that you people are showing real immaturity by whining and complaining. Are you all really just 9 year olds? Yes Representatives of big companies make false promises and statements. And they do it knowing its not true. Almost ALL LARGE COMPANIES OPERATE THIS WAY. IT"S CALLED AMERICA. I give up now. You people are hopeless. Don't bother suby2scion, they wont listen. Let them keep whining amongst each other. In the meantime I'll be driving my tC, and I'll be happier for it.
Look, after I vent, and yes I can vent if I want to, I will probably wait it out and buy the SC tC. But that doesn't mean I have to blindly accept this behavior by Scion because "all large companies operate this way." And because we are "whining" does not indicate immaturity on our part, but moreso about recognizing the immaturity about how Scion is dealing with their customers--leaving them in the dark, dictating half-truths of releases, etc.

This whole situation should have been so much more transparent to Scion's customers, and future customers. Period.
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Old 03-11-2005, 07:22 PM
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Its sad because most of us had this nagging feeling this was going to happen..

But its not April 1st yet.. maybe Scion can and will pull a SC out of their ___.
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Old 03-11-2005, 08:14 PM
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has anyone seen any of the latest tC ads in magazines????? they advertise the tC with Supercharger HAHAHAHAHHAHA funny cause u cant even buy the damn would they even advertise the SC to people and when someone goes to order one they have to say you have to wait another year for it...WTF so the 2007 tC's will be SCed??? that makes no sence
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Old 03-11-2005, 08:46 PM
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Default Here's my letter

I'm joining the frustration. Here's the letter I wrote to scion:


To whom it may concern,

First of all, im sick of being jerked around with the supercharger. When is it coming out? I want a date. Second, why do you advertise a supercharger when you don't have one? All the people that you marketed a supercharger to are going to have 30,000 miles on their cars by the time it comes out. I'm not buying a $4000 supercharger for a car that will only be worth $13,000. Not to mention the fact that it will only add 40 hp. Scion owners are in rage about this topic! PUT OUT AN OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE! You are really messing around with your customer base. These first years are crucial. Please forward this email to the PUBLIC RELATIONS DEPARTMENT and urge them to put their best foot forward. How about sending a monthly email with scion updates. You want customer satisfaction? Start keeping us informed!


Jeremy Coder
Carbondale, IL
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Old 03-11-2005, 10:53 PM
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Originally Posted by davo345
Originally Posted by flintTC324
"If so, you suck as a human being. "


That quote above was about the funniest thing I have read all week. For the record I wouldn't hate you though, I don't give a damn what you do with any of your cars. If it makes you happy then great, I am happy for you and your car. All I am gonna say is 2 things; First, your Footlocker reference was a bad one, because in that case you would be looking at a product on the shelf that you could buy now, unlike the supercharger. Try again. And second, all I want you and people like tC808 to understand once and for all is, just like suby2scion said, these things HAPPEN ALL THE TIME IN BUSINESS!!!! Why cant you guys understand and accept that? It's called reality. My whole point here was that you people are showing real immaturity by whining and complaining. Are you all really just 9 year olds? Yes Representatives of big companies make false promises and statements. And they do it knowing its not true. Almost ALL LARGE COMPANIES OPERATE THIS WAY. IT"S CALLED AMERICA. I give up now. You people are hopeless. Don't bother suby2scion, they wont listen. Let them keep whining amongst each other. In the meantime I'll be driving my tC, and I'll be happier for it.
Look, after I vent, and yes I can vent if I want to, I will probably wait it out and buy the SC tC. But that doesn't mean I have to blindly accept this behavior by Scion because "all large companies operate this way." And because we are "whining" does not indicate immaturity on our part, but moreso about recognizing the immaturity about how Scion is dealing with their customers--leaving them in the dark, dictating half-truths of releases, etc.

This whole situation should have been so much more transparent to Scion's customers, and future customers. Period.
I agree w/ you davo345.

Oh and flintTC324, expressing displeasure and disappointment has absolutely nothing to do w/ immaturity. What I do consider immature is calling people hopeless, immature 9yr. olds.
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Old 03-12-2005, 01:17 AM
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Blah Blah Blah. I would respond but its time to drive my tC now. Have a nice weekend guys.
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Old 03-12-2005, 02:16 AM
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Originally Posted by flintTC324
Blah Blah Blah. I would respond but its time to drive my tC now. Have a nice weekend guys.
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Old 03-12-2005, 02:24 AM
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Wow...way to go sure showed 'em.....They're shaking in their boots right now and I'm sure Toyota's President is having a hard time sleeping at nights knowing how upset he's amde you...

I agree with you flintTC324... I'm done with this subject that just doesn't seem to die and doesn't get through these thick skulls around here....
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Old 03-12-2005, 04:45 AM
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Originally Posted by suby2scion
Wow...way to go sure showed 'em.....They're shaking in their boots right now and I'm sure Toyota's President is having a hard time sleeping at nights knowing how upset he's amde you...

I agree with you flintTC324... I'm done with this subject that just doesn't seem to die and doesn't get through these thick skulls around here....
Gee more derogatory remarks. Why am I not surprised?
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Old 03-12-2005, 05:59 AM
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by the time the damn thing comes out, there won't be a warranty left to worry about voiding. turbo me!
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Old 03-12-2005, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by xyouthx
by the time the damn thing comes out, there won't be a warranty left to worry about voiding. turbo me!
For those who bought hteirs a long time ago, you are right, and i didnt even think about that....
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Old 03-12-2005, 04:04 PM
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anyone seen the episode of south park?

"rabble rabble rabble..."

"what are you town fold rabbliing about?"

no use getting twisted over it. nothing you can do about it, just wait till april then see what happens. everyone's _____ing about something that hasn't (or might not even) happened yet.

on a side note. anyone seen the new scion magazine? the orange and black one with the pics of the supercharger in there.
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Quick Reply: Those who want a supercharger by April..not gonna happen SRY

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