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ROAD RAGE!!! Long Story!!!

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Old 02-09-2005, 08:09 PM
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Default ROAD RAGE!!! Long Story!!!

Why must BMW drivers drive like they own the road.....
Yesterday, I was driving down I-30 singing along to Gwen Stefani's "If I Was A Rich Girl" and approaching the Loop 12 exit. Moments before I exit this Girl in a fairly new Black BMW jumps across two lanes and cuts me off. NO Wave saying "Sorry but I had to", NO Signal Light, NOTHING!!! Living in Dallas, I am kind of used to this...So my anger level at this point is about 3 (scale of 1 to 10). The Loop takes us to the service road to I-635. You have to move over to the right lane and enter the highway. I move over and as I am about to pass the Girl in the BMW, I notice that she is chatting away on her cellphone and then once again gets in front of me without signalling. At this point, I'm thinking "This Girl is trying to ____ me off".(Anger Level: 4) So as we enter the highway, I turn on my signal light, accelerate and beat her to the middle lane. So she gets stuck behind a slow-moving van in the first lane. She is obviously angry about she gets behind me (fyi...through out this whole scenario...this Girl never uses her's like they were broken or something). She decides to "ride my ___" (pardon my french). So I slow down to 50 mph. I see her shaking her hands at me and weaving in the lane but I act like it doesn't bother me. Finally, she gets in the fast lane, pulls up along side me and literally swerves into me. This scared the crap out of me so I swerved into the slow lane not realizing that there is a car there. (Anger Level At this point, I should have realized that she was crazy and hot-tempered and just let it go but I was too angry to think clearly. So I get behind her (BIG MISTAKE!!!) and we're going about 80 mph and she slams on her brakes and causes me to go onto the shoulder (I hit some kind of metal rod or something--minor damage). (Anger level: 10) So I figure, she's a girl and I'm a girl, perhaps if she is gutsy enough to try to make me crash then she's gutsy enough to confront me in person. So I exit with her and we get to a red light...Nobody was around so I honked at her and then jumped out of my car...I approached her and she acted like she didn't even see me....I knocked on her window...nothing(Anger Level: 6)......So I acted like I was writing down her license plate number (so that hopefully she'll roll down her window....nothing...Then the light turned green...As I was running back to my car I heard "F - You B#$%@!" and she sped off. I didn't think anything of it because she's a chicken. just thought I'd share this with my fellow tCer's..Burn off some steam and know...
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Old 02-09-2005, 08:26 PM
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Next time you might want to stay in your car, you never know what people will do. What if she had a gun? I feel like doing the same thing sometimes, but there are too many crazy people out there. Just stick to giving them the finger and hoping they crash into a tree!

Or if they are really driving reckless, call the Cops.
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Old 02-09-2005, 08:27 PM
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well that was intresting i guess i think you should have kicked her ___ (or maybe realy writen down her plate #'s) since she ran you in to a poll or what ever it was
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Old 02-09-2005, 08:27 PM
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Oh man thats bad. Be careful... when angry.. just take a deep breath and let it our slow... its not worth it.... but i have had my share of road rages... but when I think back.. if something had happened, it would have been bad ... my 2cents...
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Old 02-09-2005, 08:30 PM
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I have the worst case of road rage, especially when stupid ___ kids in their cavaliers and neons try to cut me off or ride my ___.
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Old 02-09-2005, 08:35 PM
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Yikes, it would have actually been more of a mess if she had gone out to confront you. If a cop had been around to see what you did, you woulda gotten in trouble and crazy girl would have acted like the victim. Whenever I run into jerks like that on the road, I back off and let them go past me. If they wanna kill themselves, they can do it without taking me along.

Considering the way this girl was driving though, you shoulda written down the license and reported her. Dunno what the deal is with Texas but some states let you report aggressive drivers.

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Old 02-09-2005, 08:35 PM
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Thanks Guys!! Like I said All I could see was RED I never once thought "What if she has a gun?" It was stupid of me..I know...At first she was like this: and which made me like this: and towards the end I was like this:
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Old 02-09-2005, 08:38 PM
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Originally Posted by tcHoya
Yikes, it would have actually been more of a mess if she had gone out to confront you. If a cop had been around to see what you did, you woulda gotten in trouble and crazy girl would have acted like the victim. Whenever I run into jerks like that on the road, I back off and let them go past me. If they wanna kill themselves, they can do it without taking me along.

Considering the way this girl was driving though, you shoulda written down the license and reported her. Dunno what the deal is with Texas but some states let you report aggressive drivers.

I also wonder if they have something like that here in Texas....That's good thanks for the advice!
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Old 02-09-2005, 09:15 PM
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OMG!!!!!!!! SUCKS! I almsot had the same thing happen to me! i had my car 3 days was at a red light waiting to turn left. My light went green and out of no where this brand new BMW BLACK! rund a red light and literally almost hits me head on! i was so ____ed! she stopped inches from hitting me swurving all over! i was so ____ed! if she would have hit me ALL HELL WOULD HAVE BROKEN LOSE! i mean 3 days of owning my car both of our cars didnt even have license plates!!! STUPID PEOPLE HA! i mean my light was green HERS WAS RED!!!! AHHHH!! needless to say i almost craped my pants HA!
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Old 02-09-2005, 09:24 PM
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Most people are Billy Badass until they are confronted. Once, a year or two ago at a stop light a woman, for absolutely no reason, threw her cup of soda against the back of our BRAND NEW car as she was pulling up next to us and got soda everywhere. I mean EVERYWHERE, even inside. My boyfriend of the time (who is normally very calm and polite) stepped out of our car and threw his own cup of soda into her open window hitting her in the face. It was hilarious! She didn't even look at us or say a thing.... just stared straight ahead at the light praying for it to change.
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Old 02-09-2005, 09:28 PM
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Or if they are really driving reckless, call the Cops.
Most cell phones have a handy dandy *FHP feature

I feel ya girl, but next time let her drive off and kill herself, no need for you to be involved in that mess
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Old 02-09-2005, 09:32 PM
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You must not be Gel'in...
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Old 02-09-2005, 09:39 PM
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Default Re: ROAD RAGE!!! Long Story!!!

Originally Posted by xJustaGirl21tx
Why must BMW drivers drive like they own the road.................
Have you driven a BMW before? Especally the new 3, 5 and 7 series classes?

Those cars are absolutely INSANE.

They handle, and accelerate like you can not believe.

I will personally say, if I owned a newer BMW, I would be doing the
same thing that, that crazy lady was doing.

Sorry about your mishap w/ the BMW driver, but sometimes it happens
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Old 02-09-2005, 10:28 PM
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Sorry to hear about the incident. Just don't hate all BMW drivers. There are many many out there who are just misunderstood enthusiasts.
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Old 02-09-2005, 10:38 PM
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A few years ago (while driving my '88 buick century which was covered in bumper stickers), I was on the highway and noticed that someone was following me. At first I thought I was just being paranoid, but she kept changing lanes whenever I did, accelerated when I did, etc. So when I got to my exit, she followed me off. I saw her waving frantically at me and gesturing to pull over. I thought maybe something was wrong with my car, but I was only about a mile from work so I figured I'd check it when I parked. She kept following me, and when I came up on a stop sign, she zoomed out and cut me off, then got out of her car and came over to mine. So I rolled down my window and asked her if she needed something, and she starts ranting and raving that I was driving her husband's car and I was having an affair with him. She didn't speak English very well either, so it all came out like "I know you, you the girl with the brown hair, I know this car, this my husband's car, you stay away from my husband". Just on and on and on. I told her I didn't know what the f**k she was talking about and she got back in her car and drove away. If I had been thinking clearly, I would have gotten her plate number and reported her to the police. That was a crazy morning
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Old 02-09-2005, 10:40 PM
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Hmm, maybe I could be a misunderstood gun enthusiast. Then we could both have great fun while endangering the lives of others.
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Old 02-09-2005, 10:52 PM
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It's fortunate there were no cops on aggressive-driving detail where you were - both you and the other chick would be looking at tickets.
(Yes, BMW/Lexus/Infiniti/luxury car drivers do stupid crap WAY more than people driving Echos or heaps.)

Road rage gets you nowhere. In my neighborhood, two guys were cutting each other off and flipping the bird, then one smashed the other's windshield with a baseball bat. Well, the guy with the smashed windshield happened to have a gun, and shot the guy in the ___.

You've got a nice stereo in the tC - play some relaxing music while you drive.
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Old 02-10-2005, 12:33 AM
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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! seriously some people ____ you off ya know? you just want to run right into them. Like them granny's driving 3mph on the freakin road then braking 40ft before the freakin LIGHT!!!!!!!!!
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Old 02-10-2005, 01:37 AM
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Default Re: ROAD RAGE!!! Long Story!!!

Originally Posted by xJustaGirl21tx
Finally, she gets in the fast lane, pulls up along side me and literally swerves into me. This scared the crap out of me so I swerved into the slow lane not realizing that there is a car there.
Should have slowed down just enough to be even with her rear axle, then just let her pit herself (Police maneuver used to spin out cars.) on your car. Since she's in a BMW and is using rear wheel drive she'd be ALL sortsa ***'t and you'd have minor bumper damge, and recover control of your car much easier than her. Then pull over and wait for the police to show up, then sue over attempted murder. She's got a BMW, she's got enough cash.
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Old 02-10-2005, 03:04 AM
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a guy was shot about a month ago down my way because he decided to confront some guy over driving. him and his friend got out of his truck and the guys in the other truck, 3 of them got out too. Expect the 3 guys had a gun, the friend ran but the other guy was shot and killed. Also his two kids were in the back seat and saw it all.

My point: sometimes you have to think.
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