Update to my roof shattering... :\
Update to my roof shattering... :\
I'm not sure who was following it, but my car had the back glass panel broken by road debris and it has been in the shop since Monday the 6th. They found that the window needed to be replaced (obviously) and that the trunk would need to be repainted, due to flying glass coming off the roof which chipped it up pretty good. Well, the bodyshop called today and told me they found some damage to the rear hatch glass as well, so they're contacting my insurance company to have them come out and re-evaluate my car.
this SUCKS.
and my pimpin ___ car in the meantime.
this SUCKS.
and my pimpin ___ car in the meantime.
Originally Posted by sciontc_mich
sure it sucks on some levels.. but your dealer is helping you out, the insurance co. to pay for the rest.. i'd say you have a good dealer working for you..
I could be on foot!
Originally Posted by sciontc_mich
okay you knew this was coming..
with that cavalier, not that reliable.. you might be on foot..
with that cavalier, not that reliable.. you might be on foot..
Seriously, this Crapalier is a 2004, and it has a squeaking wheel bearing, squealing brakes, and it stinks like sweat.
Originally Posted by yaron_usa
Since they believe something hit your roof, and since that is pretty much a random luck thing, will your insurance payments go up, or will they stay the same?
and my pimpin ___ car in the meantime.
And that must've been some big debris. Eek. I hope you get your tC back soon.
Originally Posted by GSRacer2102
Im getting scared now since this have happend to several people on the board.
jrv2000 - My car wasn't being investigated really, just trying to have the service mgr determine the cause fo the break. THey actually had the area where I took that close-up pic circled in tape so I could see it. I was far more pleased to learn that it had been caused by a rock than for it to have been a glass flaw or a problem with the car. I'd have been really upset about that.
Originally Posted by nizzle
ah so it was a rock?
i think in your original post you said didn't knwo the cause
did the dealers figure that out? and how....
i think in your original post you said didn't knwo the cause
did the dealers figure that out? and how....