Req: Aggressive wheel stance pics
I tried searching and couldn't come up w/ anything so I'm asking if anyone has pics of their tC's w/ some aggressive fitment.
I know 'aggressive' can be subject but I'll just say if there's anyone out there sitting past +35 et since I think most everyone agrees wheels with that et perfectly line up with the fender...I'm sitting on TRD's w/ 35 et on 18X7.5 so help me out cause I'm thinking of going a little wide
I know 'aggressive' can be subject but I'll just say if there's anyone out there sitting past +35 et since I think most everyone agrees wheels with that et perfectly line up with the fender...I'm sitting on TRD's w/ 35 et on 18X7.5 so help me out cause I'm thinking of going a little wide